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News March 21, 2025

Port Work in Transition: ETF Dockers at Connecting Ports #11

The ETF made its points clearly to the discussion during the recent Connecting Ports Session edition “Port Work in Transition – Balancing progress and change in sustainability, automation, and digitalization,” held on the 20th of March 2025 and hosted by HPC Hamburg Port Consulting. With around 100 participants from over 30 countries, the event served as a global platform to explore the evolving landscape of port work in the face of sustainability, automation, and digitalization.

Statement March 19, 2025

ETF Statement of Solidarity with Food Delivery Riders in Austria

The ETF stands in solidarity with Vida trade union and the approximately 1,000 food delivery riders affected by the closure of the Scoober (employed courier) business of Lieferando Austria, a subsidiary of Just Eat Takeaway.com NV (JET).

News March 17, 2025

ETF and ETUI Co-Organise Training on Corporate Sustainability and Due Diligence

The ETF, in collaboration with the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), organised a training session titled “Training on Corporate Sustainability and Due Diligence” in Brussels. The event brought together trade unionists from across Europe to discuss the growing importance of corporate accountability, sustainability, and due diligence in the transport sector and beyond.

News March 17, 2025

ETF stands in Solidarity with Belgian Railway Workers Fighting for Fair Pensions

On 17 March, railway workers from CGSP Cheminots and ACV CSC Transcom will take strike action to defend their pensions and demand dignity in retirement. ETF stands firmly in solidarity with Belgian rail workers as they fight against unjust pension reforms that threaten their futures and the future of generations to come.

News March 12, 2025

European Commission attempts to lower crew labour standards

The European Commission plans to submit a text on crew labour standards to the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) which will be discussed in the next days at the IOTC meeting for 13-17 April. The European Social Partners for Sea Fisheries jointly call on the European Commission to withdraw this proposal from submission to the IOTC.

Statement March 11, 2025

The big EU deregulation: ETF Joins over 360 organisations in a Joint Statement on the Omnibus Package

The publication by the European Commission of its Omnibus proposal revising key corporate sustainability laws sends a clear political signal: President Ursula von der Leyen is deprioritising human rights, workers’ rights and environmental protections for the sake of dangerous deregulation. ETF joined over 360 organisations in a joint statement calling out on the consequences of this package.

In Focus


ETF Statement on Commissioner-designate Tzitzikostas’s Hearing

The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), representing millions of workers across Europe’s transport sector, listened closely to yesterday’s confirmation hearing of Commissioner-designate Apostolos Tzitzikostas. The transport sector is facing a multitude of problems and ETF is determined to build a dialogue with Mr. Tzitzikostas to address the sector’s greatest challenges. Transport workers, who keep Europe moving, deserve a sector that values their contributions and meets their needs. We will watch closely for the next steps and expect a commitment to the practical changes that will benefit all Europeans.


EU Land Transport Labour Market: A Critical Examination of Trends and Policy Implications

Two years ago, the ETF launched a project to look in more detail at the roots of the above trends. Three reports – on road, rail and urban public transport were developed within the frame of the project to cast light on how liberalisation and market-opening policies led to undesirable effects that put at stake the very goals and objectives set by the same policymakers.

Press Release

ETF Launches Manifesto: A New Deal for Fair Transport

ETF announced the launch of the manifesto “A New Deal for Fair Transport,” today, ahead of the 2024 European Elections. This comprehensive manifesto outlines a series of critical demands aimed at reshaping the transport sector in Europe to ensure fairness, safety, and respect for all transport workers.


Executive Committee of ETF met in Brussels on June 4/5

On June 4th and 5th, 2024, Brussels hosted the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) Executive Committee meeting. Trade unionists from across Europe gathered to discuss and shape the future of European transport, focusing on workers’ interests. ETF President Frank Moreels opened the meeting by underlining the need to stop the far-right, who have always worked against the interests of workers.