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News June 25, 2024

Joint conference on austerity and public services

ETF, in collaboration with EPSU and ETUCE, organized “Austerity: What Lessons Learned for Public Services?” This event gathered key stakeholders to discuss the impacts of austerity on public services and strategize future actions. ETF General Secretary Livia Spera emphasized the need for immediate investment to protect public sector jobs and services, highlighting the contradiction between the EU’s Green Deal ambitions and current funding for public transport.

News June 24, 2024

ETF Unites for the Second Annual European Day Against Driver Fatigue

ETF hosted its second annual European Day Against Driver Fatigue. This day of action, held on the longest day of the year, continued the momentum built by the inaugural campaign in 2023, bringing attention to the critical issue of driver fatigue in the road transport sector. Coordinated with ETF affiliates across Europe, the event underscored the demanding conditions that professional drivers endure daily.

News June 24, 2024

“We Want to Work, Not Starve”: Rail Workers Protest in Warsaw Against PKP Cargo’s Forced Leave Policy

On June 19, 2024, NSZZ Solidarność protested at PKP CARGO S.A. headquarters in Warsaw against the interim Management Board’s decision to place up to 30% of workers on forced leave with only 60% of their salaries. Under the slogan “We want to work, not starve,” the union demanded the reinstatement of terminated agreements and criticized the lack of negotiations, while acting CEO Marcin Wojewódka was reportedly on vacation.

News June 19, 2024

Executive Committee of ETF met in Brussels on June 4/5

On June 4th and 5th, 2024, Brussels hosted the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) Executive Committee meeting. Trade unionists from across Europe gathered to discuss and shape the future of European transport, focusing on workers’ interests. ETF President Frank Moreels opened the meeting by underlining the need to stop the far-right, who have always worked against the interests of workers. 

Statement June 10, 2024

European Transport Workers’ Federation Statement on the European Elections

Despite democratic forces in the European Parliament maintaining a majority, the significant growth of the far right is deeply troubling for workers across Europe. In the EU and at national level, far-right representatives have consistently voted against workers’ rights, threatening the hard-won protections and benefits that millions rely on, including in the transport industry.

Press Release June 7, 2024

EU Talent Pool Proposal gives green light to more Grafenhausen-like cases

The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) wants to expose the fundamental threat posed by the European Commission’s “Talent Pool” proposal to the integrity of transport sectors and the rights of workers. As the Council of Ministers inches closer to a potential agreement under the Belgian Presidency as early as 10 June, the ETF mobilises in a bid to halt this progression without listening to Unions.

News June 3, 2024

France: Thousands of Railway Workers Rally to Defend Public Train Service

On May 28, nearly 8,000 railway workers, organized by the Trade Unions representing railways workers, gathered in Paris for an important demonstration. This event marked a unified stand against the ongoing dismantling of France’s public railway system, the SNCF, under the pressure of liberalization and competition from the private sector. It also highlighted broader concerns about other European railway systems facing similar issues.

News May 23, 2024

Major Inspection Near Port of Antwerp Reveals Alarming Rate of Violations in Road Transport Sector

On May 20, 2024, a major inspection occurred at the Noorderlaan car park near the Port of Antwerp. Organized by the Belgian police and the Social Intelligence and Investigation Service (SIOD), the operation saw participation from the European Transport Worker’s Federation (ETF), BTB-ABVV, CSC Transcom, ACV Openbare Diensten, and the RTDD Foundation. With the support of the European Labour Authority (ELA), authorities from Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania were also present in a collaborative effort to tackle social fraud and enforce compliance in road transport.

In Focus


EU Land Transport Labour Market: A Critical Examination of Trends and Policy Implications

Two years ago, the ETF launched a project to look in more detail at the roots of the above trends. Three reports – on road, rail and urban public transport were developed within the frame of the project to cast light on how liberalisation and market-opening policies led to undesirable effects that put at stake the very goals and objectives set by the same policymakers.

Press Release

ETF Launches Manifesto: A New Deal for Fair Transport

ETF announced the launch of the manifesto “A New Deal for Fair Transport,” today, ahead of the 2024 European Elections. This comprehensive manifesto outlines a series of critical demands aimed at reshaping the transport sector in Europe to ensure fairness, safety, and respect for all transport workers.


ETF Criticizes Proposed EU Fiscal Policies: A Threat to Transport Workers

In response to the EU finance ministers finalising the Council’s position on reforming the EU’s economic governance rules, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) has expressed serious concerns. These reforms, perceived as a renovation of austerity measures, are detrimental to workers, and public funding for transport in Europe.


ETF’s Executive Committee Meeting and Approved Documents – November 2023

The ETF Executive Committee met on November 29-30, 2023, in Berlin, marking a significant gathering of unions from across Europe. During two days, several topics were discussed, namely reports on ETF’s regular projects and budget. We had the opportunity to listen to workers about the ongoing work on sustainability, equality, women and youth.