This weekend, right-wing extremists and No-Vax attacked the headquarters of CGIL in Rome. The ETF strongly condemns these attacks and stands in solidarity with CGIL. For us, this is an attack on democracy and the entire trade union movement, and it shows the urgent need for the EU to take action and defend our European values with a plan to fight extreme right movements.
ETF President Frank Moreels has spoken out:
“We see this as an attack on the entire European trade union movement! We urge the Italian government to condemn it firmly and enforce the existing laws aimed at combating the formation of fascist organisations.
In Europe as well, we urgently need a concrete and robust plan to fight extreme right movements and defend our democracies. Democracy should never be taken for granted, and all democratic institutions in Europe have the duty to preserve it.
This attack against CGIL doesn’t just come out of the blue. This is a deliberate act of violence against an organisation that has been relentlessly defending workers for 125 years – an organisation that is at the forefront of the fight against all forms of fascism in Italy and globally.
For many years now, we have been warning about the rise of the extreme-right all across Europe. Extreme-right groups and parties are enemies of the working class and are not compatible with democracy.
The ETF is committed to keep fighting alongside its Italian members. The three Italian confederations, CGIL, CISL and UIL, have called on all democratic forces to mobilise for an anti-fascist demonstration next Saturday in Rome – an action which we wholeheartedly support.”
This Saturday, an anti-fascist demonstration, organised by the three trade union confederations, will take place in Rome – ETF President Frank Moreels will be present to share his support. Find out more about the anti-fascist demonstration in Rome here.
In Brussels, an anti-fascist demonstration will also take place on Saturday – Livia Spera, ETF General Secretary will be present. Find out more here.