SOCIALAND - Trade Unions Address Social Challenges in European Land Transport

Trade Unions Address Social Challenges in European Land Transport

Trade Unions Address Social Challenges in European Land Transport

With the pandemic, the climate crisis and technological advances, European Land Transport faces many key changes and challenges.

To respond to these changes, the EU resorted to policies and financial instruments that will unprecedentedly impact the modal share in land transport, and transport workers.

These are:

  • the European Union Green Deal
  • the Just Transition Mechanism
  • the Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy
  • the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility

This EU-funded project will enable the ETF to put the social and labour dimensions at the core of this policy mix through the active involvement of transport workers and their unions.

The project will include four pillars addressing sector-specific challenges in rail, road, urban public transport and platform economy.

Road Transport Pillar: Tackling exploitation of third-country nationals in road transport

Rail Transport Pillar: Working conditions in rail under liberalisation

Urban Public Transport Pillar: Increase trade union capacity to address Urban Mobility trends

Platform Pillar: Getting unions’ foot in the door to organise platform workers

Findings from each pillar will feed into an ETF land transport vision in the form of policy recommendations.

The project will run until 30/01/24, and eight workshops will be organised to gather input from ETF’s transport unions and workers – two for each pillar.

A final conference will disseminate the project results.

“Strengthening the capacity of workers’ organisations to address social challenges in land transport in Europe” with financial support from the European Union







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Two years ago, the ETF launched a project to look in more detail at the roots of the above trends. Three reports – on road, rail and urban public transport were developed within the frame of the project to cast light on how liberalisation and market-opening policies led to undesirable effects that put at stake the very goals and objectives set by the same policymakers.

8 May 2024