Day Against Driver Fatigue

Campaign for the Day Against Driver Fatigue

Last year, on 21 June, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) initiated the inaugural Day Against Driver Fatigue in Europe. This campaign aimed to shed light on the pressing issue of driver fatigue in the road transport sector. The ETF and its affiliates united across Europe to address the critical problem of driver fatigue that plagues professional drivers daily.

The Challenge of Driver Fatigue

For professional drivers, each day feels like the longest day of the year. A 2021 study by the ETF uncovered alarming statistics – over 60% of truck drivers and 66% of bus and coach drivers admitted to regularly driving while fatigued. The root causes of this chronic fatigue stem from poor working conditions, extended working hours, irregular schedules, and inadequate rest periods. These factors contribute to a dangerous environment where driver fatigue becomes a significant risk to road safety.

Alarming Statistics

60% of truck drivers and 66% of bus and coach drivers reported regularly driving while fatigued.

27% of surveyed drivers in the ETF study confessed to nearly causing a major accident due to fatigue.

Nearly a third (33%) of truck drivers and a quarter (25%) of coach drivers have fallen asleep at the wheel.

Over half of bus/coach (57%) and truck drivers (52%) felt the urge to pull over when tired but could not.

Our Mission

The Day Against Driver Fatigue serves as a crucial reminder of the urgent need to address this issue. By raising public awareness and advocating for improved working conditions, regulated schedules, and adequate rest periods, we strive to eliminate the risks associated with driver fatigue. Together with our affiliates in the road sector, we are committed to making roads safer for everyone.

Join Us in the Fight Against Driver Fatigue

This year, on 21 June, let us stand together to combat driver fatigue. Spread the word, share our message, and support initiatives that promote driver well-being and road safety. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every driver reaches their destination safely.

Take Action Today

Join us in raising awareness about the dangers of driver fatigue. Together, we can create a safer environment for all road users. Stand with us on the Day Against Driver Fatigue and help us drive change for a safer tomorrow.


ETF Driver Fatigue Study and Summary EN/DE/SLO/PL/CZ/IT/ES/FR/NL/RO

Background info about ETF’s Driver Fatigue Study, 2021

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