Sectoral Social Dialogue in Civil Aviation

European Social Partners in the Civil Aviation sector adopted a two-year work programme 2018 – 2020, consisting of a general horizontal part and sub-parts for aircrew, air traffic management and ground handling.

This joint project of the employers’ and workers’ organisations will support the work on this programme and its implementation. With the help of this project the social partners will:

  1. Address the challenges in the employment of the sector; and
  2. Enforce the European Pillar of Social Rights, more precisely the following two principles:
  • Education, training and life-long learning;
  • Gender equality.

All members of the SSDC are partners in this project, with the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) as the leading organisation of the project.

Co-applicants: Airports Council International Europe (ACI), Airlines Coordination Platform (ACP), Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), European Cockpit Association (ECA).

Associate organisations: Airlines International Representation in Europe (AIRE), Airport Services Association (ASA), Air Traffic Controllers European Union Coordination (ATCEUC), Airlines For Dialogue (A4D), European Regions Airlines Association (ERA).


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