News December 16, 2019 Young transport workers in Europe survey Who are you, young transport workers in Europe? We are curious to know what you think about your work and the future of the sector. What are some of the main issues you face at work and are trade unions there to help you overcome them? How can we do better? Please fill in our short survey!
Event June 7, 2019 Young dockers at the negotiating table! This year our young dockers from 8 European countries were invited by the ETF and Solidarność to Gdynia in Poland. The main activity was a training workshop and role playing exercise about how to succeed in collective bargaining negotiations. The participants also discussed the recent EU elections, ways to build powerful youth movements, and the role of unions in Poland’s rebellion against dictatorship.
Event June 22, 2018 Young Dockers discuss burning issues in the future of dockwork More than 40 young dockers from 14 unions and 10 countries travelled to Walsrode, Germany, for the second ETF young dockers meeting. They discussed port automation and solidarity, while sharing experiences about how to organise young dockers and make them active trade union members. Their aim is to build a fair future for dockworkers.