Projects July 3, 2020 EADT – ETF Automation and Digitalisation Toolkit The overall aim of the project is to give the ETF-affiliated transport unions concrete tools to address the challenges caused by automation and digitalisation for European transport workers. This will be achieved by compiling an ETF Automation & Digitalisation Toolkit (EADT).
Projects March 9, 2020 Employability in the Railway Sector in the Light of Digitalisation and Automation We shape digital transformation in the railway sector.
Campaign September 23, 2018 Enforcing the rules of the road EU legislation covering bus, coach and road freight transport is vast, but poorly enforced. In recent years EU member states have cut up to 75% of their enforcement capacity as part of national austerity programmes. The ETF promotes smart enforcement and we have concrete proposals on it.
Campaign September 23, 2018 Europe needs a fair #MobilityPackage The Mobility Package is a massive revision of EU legislation on road transport which has now been adopted after three years of tireless union work.
Issues February 2, 2021 European Aviation Safety Agency The ETF is committed to working with EASA, and our representatives play an important role in the various EASA advisory bodies. Our mission is to ensure that the rules and regulations are representative of our views protecting members’ safety and interests and to ensure these regulations are not driven by commercial interests. Ongoing
Projects March 11, 2021 Fair and sustainable waterborne transport in Europe ETF maritime transport, inland navigation, dockers and fisheries sections build human-centred responses to global threats. Ongoing
Campaign September 22, 2018 Fair Transport for Europe Our campaign for dignity at work. No to social dumping and wage exploitation in transport!