Campaigns & Issues


Issues November 24, 2021

Fighting back for fair logistics

ETF and its trade unions across Europe are united in the #Fight4FairLogistics: a fight back against the exploitation of workers in the logistics and e-commerce sectors.


Issues September 23, 2017

External Aviation

Air Transport Agreements (ATAs)are international agreements between the EU and non-EU countries. These agreements can have a major impact on the European aviation sector and its workers. Fairness and a level playing field must be at the heart of all ATAs.


Issues September 23, 2018

Our gender equality training package

ETF Gender training package:  a support tool for trade union activists – women and men – to share and develop their knowledge and experience in the field of gender equality.  

Issues September 11, 2020

Green and Social Transport

Social issues and environmental concerns are two sides of the same coin. Fighting social dumping and climate action is one and the same struggle.


Campaign September 23, 2018

Ground Handling Campaign

Don’t mess with ground handling jobs! ETF campaign for better EU regulation and fair rules on transfer of staff.


Campaign September 23, 2018

Just culture campaign to further improve aviation safety

Workers in air traffic management are responsible for keeping thousands of people safe every day. One way to improve safety is to analyse mistakes, learn lessons and adjust procedures and processes accordingly. Therefore organisations must foster a culture in which staff know they will be treated fairly.


Campaign August 6, 2018

Lashing is Dockers' Work!

Lashing is a complex and hazardous task in ports, but a vital one to ensure that cargo, ships and seafarers reach their destination safely. That is why seafarers’ collective bargaining agreements signed by the ITF and its affiliate unions include a clause stating that lashing can only be done by qualified dockers unless otherwise agreed by the local dockers’ unions.


Issues September 4, 2018

Managerial and Professional Staff in Transport

Managerial and professional staff (MPS) face a wide range of specific workplace challenges, ranging from an excessive demand for availability to the risk of criminalisation when things go wrong.