Today, Friday 31 May 2013, the ETF 2013 Congress has adopted its work programme and main motion called “From Global Crisis to Global Justice – European Transport Workers Fighting Back!” It defines the European Transport Workers’ Federation’s (ETF) work priorities for the coming 4 years. On this closing day of the Congress, the most important governing body of the ETF also re-elected Lars Lindgren (Swedish Transport Workers Union, Sweden) as its President for the next mandate and confirmed Eduardo Chagas in his position as General Secretary.
The Congress main motion identifies the ETF objectives and actions to be undertaken in the course of the next mandate with regard to transport policy and sustainable transport, labour and trade union rights, organising globally, trade union capacity building and cross-border representation and coordination. In the past three days, the ETF members have discussed the Federation’s work programme for the next 4 years and the strategy to fight for global justice.
ETF President Lars Lindgren about the ETF 2013 Congress: “I am very happy with the outcome of this Congress. The Congress main motion is an excellent document which sets clear targets for the ETF and its affiliated trade unions and defines what needs to be done in the next four years in order to strengthen trade union power and to increase our impact on European policymaking.”
ETF General Secretary, Eduardo Chagas, added: “The ETF 2013 Congress confirmed the importance of investing in capacity building and the debate we had on young workers showed we can rely on them and we have the commitment to actively involve the young generation in a meaningful way in our fight for a social Europe and a stronger trade union movement. Now it’s time for all ETF affiliates to realise the ETF work programme and by doing so, we will be able to tackle the furious attack on labour, as a strong and united organisation.”
At the ETF Congress, the new Executive Committee was elected and following this meeting, the ETF Executive Committee elected Alexander Kirchner (EVG, Germany) and Ekaterina Yordanova (FTTUB, Bulgaria) as the ETF Vice Presidents and Jan Villadsen (3F, Denmark), Enrique Fossoul (FSC-CCOO, Spain), and Zoltan Papp (VSZ, Hungary) as ordinary members of the Management Committee. Earlier this week, the ETF Women’s Conference re-elected Collette Parsons (Unite the Union, Great Britain) as the ETF Women’s Committee President.
For further information, please contact ETF Communication Officer, Koen Reynaerts (Mobile: +32 (0)470 93 05 90, Email:
For more information please contact:
European Transport Workers’ Federation Rue du Marché aux Herbes 105, Boîte 11 B-1000 Bruxelles Telephone: +32 (0)2 285 46 60 Fax: +32 (0)2 280 08 17 Email: