Under the combative slogan “From Global Crisis to Global Justice – European Transport Workers Fighting Back!”, the European Transport Workers’ Federation welcomes from 29 to 31 May 2013 more than 400 participants from over 30 European countries in its fourth Congress, organised in Berlin. As recognised European Social Partner in six, soon seven, European sectoral social dialogue committees, the ETF considers transport workers have to play a decisive role in mobilising for a social and solidary Europe. In the three days of Congress, the ETF members will discuss the Federation’s work programme for the next 4 years and the strategy to fight for global justice.
At this three day event, delegates will define the ETF objectives and actions to be undertaken in the course of the next mandate with regard to transport policy and sustainable transport, labour and trade union rights, organising globally, trade union capacity building and cross-border representation and coordination. The Congress meets every four years and is the most important governing body of the ETF which also elects the President, the General Secretary and the Executive Committee.
Current ETF General Secretary, Eduardo Chagas, who is also candidate for a next mandate, comments: “Trade union strength is more important than ever as the war on labour continues to intensify. By giving priority, amongst others, to capacity building of its affiliates, the ETF aims to significantly contribute to strengthening its impact on European level and ensure their voice is respected and taken into account by the European institutions and all ETF’s counterparts.”
Lars Lindgren, current ETF President adds: “There lies a huge task ahead of us, in a Europe where more and more people are struggling to preserve what was obtained in the past, let alone to improve their living and working conditions. But it is worth the fight and I truly believe that the ETF can make a difference and has already proved its power many times.”
For further information, please contact ETF Communication Officer, Koen Reynaerts (Mobile: +32 (0)470 93 05 90, Email: k.reynaerts@etf-europe.org)
For more information please contact:
European Transport Workers’ Federation Rue du Marché aux Herbes 105, Boîte 11 B-1000 Bruxelles Telephone: +32 (0)2 285 46 60 Fax: +32 (0)2 280 08 17 Email: etf@etf-europe.org