On Tuesday 13 September the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) will outline, at a press conference in Strasbourg hosted by Dutch MEP Dennis de Jong, its views related to the enforcement and revision of the EU rules on cabotage and on access to occupation of road transport operator. The ETF will present tangible measures to eradicate letter-box companies, to clarify the definition of cabotage, to ensure that drivers’ rights are respected and to achieve enforcement of posting of workers and cabotage rules in the sector.
MEP D. de Jong offers forum for ETF measures against social dumping
The ETF contribution follows the numerous calls by Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc for concrete solutions to tackle social dumping and unfair competition in the EU haulage market. This is the second set of concrete proposals published by the ETF within the past year after its very successful publication in September 2015 of a five-action proposal on how to improve enforcement in the road transport sector.
The European Commission is currently running a public consultation process on 10 EU directives and regulations applicable to road transport. This will eventually lead to the launch of a Road Initiative in the first semester of 2017. The ETF will be fully part of the process, with constructive suggestions and actions to prompt the legislator to address the poor working conditions of professional drivers and the fraudulent schemes they have been subject to.
The keen interest of the European Parliament in the social aspects of the road sector has been of tremendous help. The next-week event in Strasbourg demonstrates its continuous support.
For more information please contact:
For more information, please contact Cristina Tilling, ETF Political Secretary for Road Transport, E-Mail: c.tilling@etf-europe.org, Mobile: +32 478 55 81 35
European Transport Workers’ Federation Rue du Marché aux Herbes 105, Boîte 11 B-1000 Bruxelles Telephone: +32 (0)2 285 46 60 Fax: +32 (0)2 280 08 17 Email: etf@etf-europe.org