The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), representing over 5 million transport workers, stands in solidarity with Vida trade union and the approximately 1,000 food delivery riders affected by the closure of the Scoober (employed courier) business of Lieferando Austria, a subsidiary of Just Eat NV (JET).
Platform companies are increasingly resorting to alternative ‘employment models’ to evade their responsibilities as direct employers. These models shift the risks onto workers while depriving them of the protections and rights that come with direct employment. ETF has consistently advocated for direct employment as the best way to ensure fair working conditions and access to social protections.
Austria is in the process of transposing the Platform Work Directive, which includes crucial protections against bogus self-employment (Article 5) and exploitative subcontracting (Article 3). The Directive also mandates the introduction of enforcement mechanisms, including joint and several liability systems where appropriate. ETF calls on platform companies to respect the spirit of the Directive and cease their attempts to circumvent labour protections. The increasing presence of private equity in the food delivery sector raises concerns about further job losses and industry consolidation. Platform companies must take responsibility and help end the race to the bottom. We urge the Austrian government and all EU member states to swiftly transpose and rigorously enforce the Directive.
ETF expresses deep concern for the workers now facing an uncertain future, particularly migrant workers in vulnerable situations. Lieferando management must engage with the Works Council to develop a social plan that prioritises the needs of affected workers.
The strength of the international labour movement lies in solidarity, action, and democracy. Across Europe, transport workers are striking and protesting in numbers unseen in decades, pushing back against a deepening crisis for the working class. The struggle of Austrian food delivery riders is a key part of this broader fight for workers’ rights and democracy.
ETF remains fully committed to supporting all platform workers and ensuring that platform labour practices uphold fair employment standards.