Event March 26, 2019 Switzerland: fighting for a fair visa policy for river cruise crews! ETF and Nautilus carried out action in Basel to demand fair conditions for workers in the booming river cruise business.
Event March 21, 2019 Tug workers meet in London. Let’s fight together for fair conditions! Participants from 10 countries meet to talk about the challenges facing the tug sector and its workers. We committed to further cooperation and also discussed future dialogue with representatives of tug industry employers.
Event March 20, 2019 Germany’s ver.di joins the movement for Fair Transport in Europe ETF president Frank Moreels took the Fair Transport message to Germany for ver.di’s transport conference. Ver:di committed to mobilise for our massive demonstration in Brussels.
Event March 11, 2019 Trade unions organising Eurokai workers meet in Bremen A meeting to consolidate cooperation and evaluate the possibility of an EWC.
Event March 9, 2019 Aviation in the spotlight at European Works Council seminar in Madrid We’ve made a great start on our project ‘EWCs in Transport: more and better participation now!’. There are specific challenges in civil aviation companies when it comes to European Works’ Councils, but ETF affiliates showed interest in addressing a number of companies that meet the requirements for the creation of a new EWC.
Event February 18, 2019 Port and maritime workers come together to explore EU rules on shipping alliances Ever-larger shipping alliances have a huge impact on both the maritime transport and port sectors – and their workers. Now the EU is planning to update its Consortium Block Exemption Regulation, so we brought maritime and port workers together to decide our position on the issue.
Event February 11, 2019 MEP Brando Benifei meets ETF and Italian affiliates to discuss the future of dockwork With EU elections fast approaching, we hosted an event in Genoa with the Member of the European Parliament. More than 100 people gathered in Genoa to discuss Fair Transport and the changing world of ports.
Event February 1, 2019 ETF dockers show policymakers the reality of port work in Hamburg Main purpose of the visit was to show what terminals and their workers are doing to cope with the consequences of the increasing size of ships. The event was also a good occasion for EU decision-makers to get hands-on information about the revision of the Consortia Block Exemption Regulation.
Event December 18, 2018 EWC Seminar in Rome for Road and Rail sectors Representatives from Railways and Road Sectors meet in Rome for a Seminar on EWC.
Event November 21, 2018 Driving the change: joint dockers and seafarers training on trends in shipping and ports The second in our series of four joint seminars looked to the future, giving workers and unions the knowledge they need to change policy.
Event November 15, 2018 From sea to plate: a socially sustainable fisheries sector for Europe Our joint seminar with EFFAT asked how we can improve health and safety and working conditions along the fish supply chain.
Event November 9, 2018 GEWALTig daneben! Ending gender-based violence We joined a conference about violence at work, online and at home, organised by unions and workers’ groups in Vienna