FedEx – Time to deliver for your workers!

17 Feb 2021

FedEx-TNT workers have been left reeling in shock after the multi-billion dollar company announced in January plans to fire 6,000 of its European workforce who have driven FedEx’s profits to record levels.

Livia Spera, General Secretary of the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) said today that FedEx-TNT has thanked the workers that kept the world moving amid the pandemic, by turning their backs on them.

“FedEx workers are responsible for the tripling of the company’s net profits. Workers that risked exposing themselves and their families every day to keep supply chains connected. We cannot allow corporate greed to go unchecked, these workers deserve dignity and respect,” said Spera.

In reaction today, global voices of transport workers including the ETF and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) launched a petition to call on FedEx-TNT Europe management to stop job cuts and engage with workers’ representatives.

“The company presents this as part of its integration process of the TNT network, acquired in 2016, but for FedEx-TNT workers and their unions, the decision is unfounded and deplorable given that e-commerce business is booming,” said Stephen Cotton, ITF General Secretary.

“FedEx-TNT delivery and logistics workers worked throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to deliver essential goods into our homes, hospitals and shops under harsh conditions. Europe cannot stand idly by and let companies treat their workers this way,” said Cotton.

FedEx workers have also spoken out about the ‘incomprehensible’ treatment they have endured at the company’s hands.

“Rapid-fire calls and emails. Constant overtime requests. Work on Saturdays. Since November 2020, the amount of work has grown considerably. To all of us, it seems crazy that redundancies were announced during this time. I cannot imagine that in my department or any other, there are people who are not needed,” said a TNT worker in Italy.

“It’s unbelievable and sad how FedEx deals with us… we’re just being thrown away. The announcement that FedEx has been doing very well since the acquisition of TNT and how well the shares are and how much plus has been generated makes it all the more incomprehensible “, said another TNT worker in Germany.

Today, the ITF and ETF call on citizens and transport workers worldwide to show FedEx that corporate greed is not welcome in Europe and tell them to stop their plans to dismiss thousands of workers! Sign the petition here.