ETF recommits to shaping future of transport and transport work
At the 6th Ordinary Congress of the European Transport Workers’ Federation in Budapest – an occasion to take stock of past work and decide on future priorities – the ETF recommits to its vision for Fair Transport.
The European Commission’s Platform Proposal: a step forward for workers in the platform economy?
Frank Moreels, ETF President spoke at the ITF’s Gig Economy Conference on 14 December where he outlined the significance of the new ‘EU Platform directive’
COP26 Transport Day: ETF calls for just transition and socially sustainable transport
The ETF calls on the European Commission and world leaders at COP 26 to commit and strengthen just transition for transport workers and mandatory due diligence in the supply chain.
Solidarity in the Mediterranean sky!
European and Arab world’s aviation unions’ joint Statement on the future of aviation
Trade unionists test digital automatic coupling to ensure safety of future work environments
An ETF delegation tested Digital Automatic Coupling prototypes for rail freight to obtain workers’ experiences and assessments for further work and to ensure a safe work environment.
ETF to EU Transport Ministers: “It’s time to step up for fair transport!”
Ahead of tomorrow’s Transport Council which will see discussions on the Smart Sustainable Mobility Strategy, the ETF implores transport ministers to lead the debate for change and show political will to set the basis and shift the paradigm of low-cost models, liberalisation and competition based on a race to the bottom that has dominated transport policies over the last decades.
Shaping digital transformation in public transport: ETF and UITP’s joint recommendations for a just transition
ETF and UITP, social partners in urban public transport, adopt joint recommendations on digital transformation and social dialogue in urban public transport in Europe.
Over 70 railway workers’ positions at stake – European Year of Rail off to a bad start in Belgium
Over 70 positions in Belgian rail are at stake following the unilateral decision taken by the Management Board of SNCB. The Belgian government wants to promote rail as a means of ecological transport and transport of the future. But the Belgian unions and the ETF do not want this to be done to the detriment of social matters!