Issue: Fight4FairLogistics

For a fair future in logistics

Ports and logistics hubs have very much in common, and ETF is currently exploring ways in which the two sectors can learn from each other, also regarding labour. At Logistics and Maritime BiLOG 2022 Forum, the ETF General Secretary, Livia Spera, shared our vision of building a safe and fair logistics sector.

10 Nov 2022

Black Friday 2021: ETF fights back for fair logistics

This Black Friday, as a European trade union movement, we demanded a better deal for workers, casting a light on the abuses in e-commerce, organising workers to fight back, and pushing the #Fight4FairLogistics!

30 Nov 2021

Fighting back for fair logistics

ETF and its trade unions across Europe are united in the #Fight4FairLogistics: a fight back against the exploitation of workers in the logistics and e-commerce sectors.

24 Nov 2021

Amazon – Fighting back for Fair Logistics

As multi-national logistics and e-commerce companies operate across international borders – spreading their exploitative practices, the necessary response from workers is clear: we must unite as a European trade union movement to fight back. ETF remains at the front; fighting back for fair transport!

20 Oct 2021

Italian unions sign landmark agreement with Amazon

Italian transport unions FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL and UILTRASPORTI have signed a historic industrial relations protocol with Amazon, establishing that the company must recognise them as social partners.

15 Sep 2021