Issue: Green and Social Transport

EU Land Transport Labour Market: A Critical Examination of Trends and Policy Implications

Two years ago, the ETF launched a project to look in more detail at the roots of the above trends. Three reports – on road, rail and urban public transport were developed within the frame of the project to cast light on how liberalisation and market-opening policies led to undesirable effects that put at stake the very goals and objectives set by the same policymakers.

8 May 2024

ETF joined forces with partners for a Just Transition in Urban Public Transport

ETF organized a Sustainable Connections urban public transport networking event on November 24, just a few days before World Sustainable Transport Day. The event was part of the Urban Public Transport Committee (UPTC) workplan and brought together trade unions, environmental organisations, public transport operators/employers, city organisations, active transport advocates and others.

27 Nov 2023

Climate change and transport – A Toolkit for Transport trade unions

This “ETF Climate Change Toolkit for Transport Trade Unions” aims to raise awareness among ETF affiliates of climate change as a core trade union issue. Transport trade unions cannot wait but must act proactively in the interest of their members to ensure just transition.

1 Sep 2023

ETF points out contradictions in EC’s Greening Transport Package

The advances that could come from the Greening Transport Package, presented by the European Commission, are shadowed by a striking incoherence that the ETF must point out. The facilitation of cross-border operations of “gigaliners”, the 44-tonne longer and heavier vehicles with European Modular Systems running on fossil fuels, will be an obstacle to reach a clean and just transition to a carbon-neutral freight industry.

Press Release
12 Jul 2023