ETF demands minimum working standards within Lufthansa Group Defining the minimum standards of working conditions for the people working across all of the Lufthansa Group is a non-negotiable demand! Press Release 20 Aug 2021
ETF & EPSU condemn campaign by Romanian government to target and intimidate union USLM The European federations representing transport and public service (ETF and EPSU) condemn the actions of the Romanian government in what appears to be an orchestrated attempt to intimidate ETF and EPSU affiliate USLM with union busting tactics. Statement 16 Jul 2021
Fit for 55 – environmental sustainability must be matched by social sustainability – with a just transition for transport workers The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) welcomes the ‘Fit for 55 Package’ in principle, but it must be backed by Just Transition measures and a comprehensive package of tools that better meets the needs of transport workers. Statement 15 Jul 2021
Trade unionists test digital automatic coupling to ensure safety of future work environments An ETF delegation tested Digital Automatic Coupling prototypes for rail freight to obtain workers’ experiences and assessments for further work and to ensure a safe work environment. Info 15 Jun 2021
ETF to EU Transport Ministers: “It’s time to step up for fair transport!” Ahead of tomorrow’s Transport Council which will see discussions on the Smart Sustainable Mobility Strategy, the ETF implores transport ministers to lead the debate for change and show political will to set the basis and shift the paradigm of low-cost models, liberalisation and competition based on a race to the bottom that has dominated transport policies over the last decades. Statement 2 Jun 2021
Lessons learned from three decades of liberalisation in the railway sector Boundless competition does not improve any aspect of rail transport. Instead, ETF calls for more cooperation on the railways to improve cross border connections, guarantee high-quality service in all regions and encourage multi-modal transport. News 2 Jun 2021
To bring about just transition, aviation industry must focus on people, not profits In April, the ETF held a series of internal discussions on sustainable aviation, with guests ranging from employers’ groups to environmental NGOs. Some clear-cut themes emerged from the lively debate, building a foundation for the ETF’s future work on the topic. News 7 May 2021
Labour Day 2021: Policy makers, it’s time to take action for fair transport! Ahead of Labour Day, the ETF addresses an open letter to European and national policy makers to remind them about the reality of transport workers and urge them to take action for fair transport: Statement 30 Apr 2021
“Fair transport remains an objective, rather than a reality” – ETF brings together key stakeholders in discussion on sustainability To kick off Sustainable Transport Days, the ETF brought together key players in EU transport and beyond to reflect on the future of these industries. News 11 Mar 2021
ETF-ETUI Sustainable Transport Days ETF-ETUI Sustainable Transport Days is a series of seminars for ETF affiliates and their members on the topic of Future of Transport policies in Europe. Seminars will kick off with an event open to all on the EU mobility strategy and Fair Transport. Event 18 Feb 2021