Issue: Influencing Railway Policy

France: Thousands of Railway Workers Rally to Defend Public Train Service

On May 28, nearly 8,000 railway workers, organized by the Trade Unions representing railways workers, gathered in Paris for an important demonstration. This event marked a unified stand against the ongoing dismantling of France’s public railway system, the SNCF, under the pressure of liberalization and competition from the private sector. It also highlighted broader concerns about other European railway systems facing similar issues.

3 Jun 2024

Joint Letter Urges EU Commission to Halt Investigations and Support Rail Freight

A coalition of European Parliament members and trade unions, including ETF and its affiliates, have jointly penned a letter to the European Commission, expressing their grave concerns about ongoing investigations into rail freight operators of France and Germany, and calling for decisive action to support the rail freight sector’s growth and sustainability.

23 Oct 2023

Rail social partners start negotiations on agreement to promote women’s employment

Women account for less than 20% of the railway workforce, a figure that is alarmingly below the 46% participation rate of women in the labour market. Railway companies and trade unions are convinced that the situation needs to change in order to avoid missing out on the valuable contribution of women, to promote diversity at the workplace, and eventually harmonise the railway sector’s image with the reality of the society in which rail customers live.

16 Oct 2019