Issue: Just Transition

ETF Urges EU Commission to Address Risks of Emissions Trading System (ETS) on European Ports

ETF is voicing its concerns over the potential social and economic impact of the European Union’s Emissions Trading System on European ports. With the EU’s ambitious climate goals, including a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, the ETF is aligned with the need for environmental action. However, the extension of ETS to the maritime sector, which will involve monitoring emissions from ships using EU ports from January 2024, has raised serious apprehensions.

8 Dec 2023

Joint Letter Urges EU Commission to Halt Investigations and Support Rail Freight

A coalition of European Parliament members and trade unions, including ETF and its affiliates, have jointly penned a letter to the European Commission, expressing their grave concerns about ongoing investigations into rail freight operators of France and Germany, and calling for decisive action to support the rail freight sector’s growth and sustainability.

23 Oct 2023

The twin transition in transport – how to make it just for manufacturing and transport service workers

On 31 January and 1 February, industriAll Europe and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) hosted the first set of workshops within the joint EU-funded project on Building a Just Transition towards a Smart and Sustainable Mobility. The goal was to understand better the trends, impacts and challenges of the twin transition and propose strategies to guarantee a fair and just transition for all workers.

3 Feb 2023

Building a Just Transition to smart and sustainable mobility

The European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) and industriAll Europe have embarked on a joint project to examine the impact on workers of the profound changes that will result from the decarbonisation of transport and to find ways to achieve a just transition for workers.

13 Dec 2022