Railways: ETF Affiliates Make Workers’ Voices Heard in Brussels Railway workers and policymakers gathered in Brussels for “From the Tracks to Brussels”, a high-level dialogue hosted by ETF. The event brought together rail workers, trade union leaders, and EU decision-makers to discuss the future of Europe’s rail sector and the need for sustainable, socially responsible policies. Speakers from the European Commission, the EU Parliament, experts and union leaders discussed the Railways sector and the current struggles of its workers across the continent. News 27 Mar 2025
ETF Participates in EU Strategic Dialogue on the Future of the Automotive Industry Alongside IndustriAll Europe, ETF was one of only two trade union representatives invited to the dialogue, highlighting the importance of workers’ voices in shaping the future of the automotive sector and its broader impact on the mobility ecosystem. The two European Federations have been working to shape a joint approach to encompass the views of all workers in the mobility ecosystem. News 7 Feb 2025
ETF Calls Out Flawed and Biased European Commission Rail Pricing Study The ETF finds that this report falls short of offering a balanced or reliable assessment of the impact of rail liberalisation on service quality, workforce conditions, or public welfare. The study’s bias towards liberalisation, selective use of case studies, limited consideration of worker impact, and superficial treatment of service quality contribute to an incomplete and misleading picture of the sector. As a result, this study is considered unfit to serve as a basis for further decision and policy making. Statement 26 Nov 2024
France: Thousands of Railway Workers Rally to Defend Public Train Service On May 28, nearly 8,000 railway workers, organized by the Trade Unions representing railways workers, gathered in Paris for an important demonstration. This event marked a unified stand against the ongoing dismantling of France’s public railway system, the SNCF, under the pressure of liberalization and competition from the private sector. It also highlighted broader concerns about other European railway systems facing similar issues. News 3 Jun 2024
EU Land Transport Labour Market: A Critical Examination of Trends and Policy Implications Two years ago, the ETF launched a project to look in more detail at the roots of the above trends. Three reports – on road, rail and urban public transport were developed within the frame of the project to cast light on how liberalisation and market-opening policies led to undesirable effects that put at stake the very goals and objectives set by the same policymakers. Publication 8 May 2024
Advocating for Fair and Sustainable Rail Freight in Europe In a roundtable discussion on the future of goods transport at the European Parliament, the perspectives of railway workers, various European industries and policymakers came together. The conversation, organized by MEP René Repasi in collaboration of ETF, centered around the challenges and opportunities the rail freight sector faces in Europe. The event saw a vibrant exchange of input and positions calling for consistency in policy making, as well as highlighting the importance of the rail freight sector. News 18 Apr 2024
European Transport Workers’ Federation Calls for a Visionary Future for Rail Transport in Europe As the Connecting Europe Days unfold, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) stands with a resounding call for European policymakers to prioritize the future of rail transport on the continent. The railway sector has long been the backbone of European mobility, fostering economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social cohesion. However, without a cohesive and visionary strategy for its advancement, the potential of rail transport remains largely untapped. Statement 2 Apr 2024
“Green Deal, Our Deal?” ETF’s Conference Highlights Urgent Need for Policy Reform in Transport Sector In her opening remarks, ETF General Secretary Livia Spera emphasised the urgent need for European and national transport policies to become more coherent and worker-centric. “Without immediate action,” Spera warned, “Europe risks facing a severe shortage of personnel to operate our trains, buses, trams, and trucks.” News 22 Jan 2024
The closure of SNCF Fret will not go ahead The commission set up by the French parliament to investigate the French government’s decision to shut down SNCF Fret decides against the closure. The ETF joins its French railway member organisations in welcoming this decision. Statement 20 Dec 2023
ETF Joined ETUC Demonstration in Brussels to Protest Austerity 2.0 and Advocate for Rail Freight The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), its affiliates, and a significant delegation of ETF railway workers have united with the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) in a march to the European institutions in Brussels. Their purpose is to voice strong opposition to plans for the commencement of the austerity 2.0 program slated for the upcoming year. Press Release 12 Dec 2023