Issue: safety

ETF Launches “Get Me Home Safely Campaign” for Civil Aviation Workers

The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) has taken a step in advocating for the safety and well-being of civil aviation workers with the launch of its “Get Me Home Safely Campaign” for the Aviation sector. A video on the safety of aviation workers was unveiled during a joint webinar with the Airport Regions Council (ARC), shedding light on the often-overlooked issue of safe commuting for airport employees, especially women. In the next weeks, new videos will be released.

27 Oct 2023

ETF Solidarity after railway accident in Italy

ETF in solidarity with Italian Unions after 5-death tragedy in Italy’s railway.

A serious rail accident occurred last night on the railway line between Brandizzo and Chivasso, Italy. Five railway infrastructure maintenance workers died, and 3 other workers were injured.

1 Sep 2023

ITF and ETF stand with pilots over safety threat

ITF and ETF stand together with IFALPA, ECA and US-ALPA in saying NO to reducing the number of pilots in the cockpit, as such a plan is nothing but “a profit-driven scheme that poses a significant safety risk”.

29 Mar 2023

People are not just for profit!

Crippled by the huge cuts during the pandemic, the aviation industry is currently struggling to keep up as the air traffic operations increase from one day to another. While airline profits are skyrocketing again, the aviation workers are mostly struggling for survival. It looks more and more like full recovery for profit but exploitation of workers.

10 Jun 2022

In focus: pilots’ working conditions

An ongoing survey on pilots’ working conditions and safety aims to investigate the effects of new business models and work conditions on pilots’ health, fatigue and flight safety, linking socio-economic aspects, health and safety.

2 May 2022

Social sustainability must be kept at the core of all future engagements part of the Toulouse declaration

The ETF welcomes the Declaration on future sustainability and decarbonisation in aviation, or the so-called Toulouse declaration adopted today during the Aviation Summit under the French presidency of the Council of the EU.
The Aviation Summit, a flagship event for aviation of the French Presidency, gathered EU ministers, the European Commission, the ICAO president, the Directors General of Civil Aviation, members of the European Civil Aviation Conference, and stakeholders representing the air transport in Toulouse, France.

4 Feb 2022