Issue: Supply Chain

EU Talent Pool Proposal gives green light to more Grafenhausen-like cases

The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) wants to expose the fundamental threat posed by the European Commission’s “Talent Pool” proposal to the integrity of transport sectors and the rights of workers. As the Council of Ministers inches closer to a potential agreement under the Belgian Presidency as early as 10 June, the ETF mobilises in a bid to halt this progression without listening to Unions.

Press Release
7 Jun 2024

Major Inspection Near Port of Antwerp Reveals Alarming Rate of Violations in Road Transport Sector

On May 20, 2024, a major inspection occurred at the Noorderlaan car park near the Port of Antwerp. Organized by the Belgian police and the Social Intelligence and Investigation Service (SIOD), the operation saw participation from the European Transport Worker’s Federation (ETF), BTB-ABVV, CSC Transcom, ACV Openbare Diensten, and the RTDD Foundation. With the support of the European Labour Authority (ELA), authorities from Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania were also present in a collaborative effort to tackle social fraud and enforce compliance in road transport.

23 May 2024

Solidarity with Logistics workers in France!

ETF stands in solidarity with logistics workers and their unions in France following the national mobilisation that began on April 2 for the entire logistics sector.
This national movement follows on from a local grassroots action at ID Logistics, an international contract logistics group based in France, with a revenue of €2,747 million (2023).

12 Apr 2024

EFBWW, EFFAT and ETF join forces to Combat Labour Exploitation in Subcontracting Chains and Labour intermediation

EFBWW, EFFAT, and ETF have joined forces to confront the common challenges of abusive subcontracting, unregulated labour intermediaries, and insufficient enforcement of existing workers’ rights within their sectors. These issues underpin high levels of social dumping and labour crime, unequal treatment in the workplace, low wages, unrecorded working hours, disrespect for health and safety rules, and labour exploitation, especially towards migrant and mobile workers.

Press Release
9 Apr 2024

ETF at the Tripartite Social Summit

Concrete measures must be implemented to deter those who exploit the internal market by establishing letter-box companies in countries with lower working conditions and protections while providing services in more economically prosperous countries. This includes discouraging those who flout posting rules or engage in fraudulent employment schemes, thereby perpetrating social security fraud and utilizing fraudulent employment practices. 

21 Mar 2024

The Red Sea crisis and the attacks on commercial vessels

The ETF is calling once more for the safety of seafarers to be paramount. All the disruption on the supply chain, the skyrocketing of the shipping prices and the insurance coverage together with the overall impact in the economy are very serious consequences, but are only secondary commercial considerations in comparison with the risk posed for the safety of seafarers.

19 Feb 2024