
News June 19, 2023

United, we fight the spread of austerity measures in Europe

ETF and its affiliates join the ETUC campaign to stop Austerity 2.0 and fight the spread of austerity measures in Europe. We cannot and will not accept that workers are again obliged to carry the burden of the economic crisis while corporations are using increased costs as an excuse to increase profits.

Press Release June 19, 2023

21 June, ETF Awareness Day on Driver Fatigue

This 21 June, ETF launches the very first Awareness Day on Driver Fatigue in Europe, to draw attention to how critical the problem of driver fatigue in road transport is. ETF and its affiliates will organise actions across Europe this week, calling for urgent measures to raise standards and ensure decent work in the road transport sector.

News June 16, 2023

ETF is for gender equality in all aspects of life

ETF remains dedicated to fighting and promoting gender equality and fully supports its union members’ efforts devoted to gender equality. An ETF Women’s Committee delegation joined the 14 June major women’s equality rally in Switzerland, a traditional event championing for women’s rights.

News June 15, 2023

Raising standards for parcel delivery workers

ETF is committed to continuing fighting against the exploitation of workers in logistics and calls on policymakers and employers to ensure that workers’ rights are respected. Together with its affiliates, ETF will be advocating for the rights of logistics workers during a dedicated week of action across Europe to mark this year’s International Day for Decent Work on October 7th.

Statement June 13, 2023

Railway workers condemn EU attacks on rail freight

ETF, together with our rail affiliates EVG, CGT Cheminots, CFDT Chemino and UNSA-Ferroviaire, strongly condemn the EU attacks on rail freight and call for an adequate strategy for the railway sector in Europe that promotes climate-friendly rail freight transport.

News June 13, 2023

Council breakthrough, an important step forward in the process, but text weakens worker’s hand

Once the mandate of the Council of the European Union on the platform work directive has been agreed upon, the trilogue negotiations between Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament on Platform Work Directive can start. ETF has very strong reservations about the Council’s position and believes the strong presumption of employment contained in the EP text is the best way to ensure that workers are classified correctly to get access to their employment, social and pension rights.

Press Release June 9, 2023

‘Governments must seize this moment’: Critical juncture for EU Platform Work Directive

It’s time for the Council of the EU to agree on a mandate on the Platform Work Directive that will protect the employment rights of millions of app-based transport workers, including ride-hail drivers and food delivery riders! ETF, ITF and their affiliates are calling on the Council to hammer out a deal so that trilogue negotiations with the European Commission, Council and Parliament can finally begin.

News June 2, 2023

Belgian unions set to mobilise against another legal attack on the right to strike in Europe

Belgian unions stand together in their fight to defend the right to strike. They will take action next week in Brussels to oppose the so-called justice bill, soon to be presented to the labour committee of the Belgian parliament. Allowing to ban demonstrators convicted of misbehaviour at demonstrations, this bill could be just the pretext to enforce an effective blanket ban on trade unions demonstrations.

News June 1, 2023

Redefining maritime transport professions

After 4.5 years of exceptional contributions and hard work from all partners, the closing conference of the SkillSea project concluded yesterday in Brussels. when a new maritime skill sea strategy was launched.

Press Release May 31, 2023

ETF warns: until real social improvements occur, the chaos will continue in aviation

Until the aviation industry is ready to offer real solutions to address the ongoing social issues in the sector, the 2022 summer chaos will repeat in 2023, warns ETF. In a letter to the EU Commissioner for Transport, ETF indicates that an honest social dialogue and ensuring that aviation is a good place to work are crucial to building a sustainable aviation industry.

News May 26, 2023

A message of support from ETUC 15th Congress against further liberalisation of rail and attacks on French rail freight.

European Trade Union Confederation’s (ETUC) 15th Congress sends a resounding message of support for French railway workers. The ETUC has made a clear pledge of solidarity and cooperation with the transport workers of Europe in their struggle against policies that come at the expense of transport workers. With this support, the ETF strives to ensure that rail transport is a public service fit for a fair and sustainable Europe.