Press Release May 2, 2023 The voices of European fishers must be listened to! The EU Fishers, as the true Guardians of the Sea, must be protected! – ETF and its affiliates in the Fisheries sector start today a week of actions across Europe to draw attention to the socio-economic risks the industry is exposed to due to the EU Action Plan “Protecting and restoring marine ecosystems for sustainable and resilient fisheries.”
Statement May 1, 2023 Transport workers speak out on International Workers’ Day: Urgent action needed to address worker shortage ETF draws attention to the severe worker shortage in the transport sector and the urgent need to listen to transport workers’ voices.
News April 28, 2023 Unions are the only guarantee for workers’ rights to be respected Trade unions play a vital role in representing workers’ rights and interests. They are the credible voices demanding social protection for workers: unemployment benefits, pensions, or access to healthcare. Aviation workers across Europe are saying that the chances of decent working conditions and fair pay are non-existent unless a union represents workers.
News April 27, 2023 Train drivers raise concerns about the future of the rail industry at ETF conference Train drivers spoke out on the reality of their work at ETF’s Future of Train Driving Conference in the presence of EU policymakers.
Press Release April 26, 2023 Georgian and Uzbek drivers win back over €300,000 sounding alarm for European trucking industry After weeks of striking, around 60 truck drivers at the Gräfenhausen rest area in Germany have won their battle against Polish consortium Lukmaz, Agmaz and Imperia.
Statement April 25, 2023 Defending the Mobility Package: Importance of proper enforcement amidst ongoing court proceedings The priority of the road industry, Member States, and policymakers must be the correct and proper enforcement of the Mobility Package.
News April 21, 2023 Sealing a deal or how a CBA becomes a reality at the end of unions’ laborious work Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) are vital in ensuring fair working conditions and wages for aviation workers. On the unions’ side, negotiating a CBA is a complex exercise. At the end of this multi-faced process, the right balance between union members’ expectations and what the employer can offer must be found.
Statement April 18, 2023 ETF demands immediate action to end exploitation of third-country drivers in Europe ETF welcomes the messages conveyed by MEPs, the Council and the Commission during the plenary session of the European Parliament today on the topic Safeguarding labour mobility and social rights of striking lorry drivers from third countries.
News April 14, 2023 Why must CBA be the rule? A Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is a must within the aviation industry. Whether flight attendants, pilots, ATM workers, or ground staff, our aviation workers consider a labour agreement as the only guarantee for being treated fairly by their employers regarding working conditions, wages, job security, health, and safety.
News April 14, 2023 Rail industry worker shortage crisis: Why better working conditions are vital As the worker shortage crisis in the rail industry continues, rail workers across Europe are taking action to demand better working conditions and increased investment in staff.
Press Release April 13, 2023 SkillSea starts a European network for maritime education and training By signing a Memorandum of Understanding under the SkillSea European project, STC Group and ENSM will closely collaborate on topics such as energy transition and digitization of ships and on further developing skills such as collaboration and leadership.
Press Release April 12, 2023 Major global brands implicated in blatant violation of drivers’ rights as wildcat strike continues Major multinationals and the European Commission can no longer ignore the widespread rights violations and profiteering from cheap subcontracted labour exposed by the wildcat truckers’ strike currently underway in Gräfenhausen, Germany.