
News February 2, 2023

Adoption of EP report on EWCs: Good news for millions of workers in transnational companies

The European Trade Union Federations (ETUFs), EFBWW, EFFAT, EPSU, ETF, industriAll and Uni Europa, representing millions of workers and supporting over 20,000 European Works Council members every day, jointly welcome the adoption by the European Parliament of the own-initiative legislative report on the revision of the European Works Council Directive. It is time for the European Commission to act!

Press Release January 31, 2023

Deep-sea fishing ban threatens economic viability of EU longline fleet

Social Partners in the fisheries sector call on the European Commission to urgently fix the problems coming from the deep-sea fishing ban. Researchers estimate that applying the new EC Regulation can lead to up to a 27 million euros reduction in global turnover, with annual losses of up to 150,000 euros per year per vessel, which will cause irreversible and structural damage to the future of the EU longline fleet.

News January 30, 2023

Solving transport’s labour crisis requires policies that put workers first

Last week, ETF launched a worker-centred discussion around the future of transport with EU Transport Commissioner, Adina Vălean, and the European Parliament’s TRAN Committee coordinators – Marin-Jean Marinescu (EPP), Petar Vitanov (S&D), Ciarán Cuffe (Greens/EFA) and Elena Kountoura (The Left).

News January 27, 2023

Inland Water Transport workers and the Posting of Workers Directive

As the ETF IWT Sections’ expert for many years on the coordination of social security in the European Inland Waterways Transport sector, Cécile Tournaye proposes a new path to identify the national applicable labour law in IWT.
As the IWT sector in Europe has no flag-state legislation, determining the applicable national labour law is extremely difficult.

Statement January 26, 2023

Social dialogue package: time for action

The ETUFs expect the EU Commission – in close cooperation with the EU sectoral social partners – to define the criteria on the legislative implementation of agreements and also who can take part in EU sectoral social dialogue committees.