Statement February 1, 2023 European trade unions call out UK government’s attack on working people The European trade union movement stands firmly in solidarity with the British trade union movement on the TUC’s national ‘protect the right to strike’ day and every day.
Press Release January 31, 2023 Deep-sea fishing ban threatens economic viability of EU longline fleet Social Partners in the fisheries sector call on the European Commission to urgently fix the problems coming from the deep-sea fishing ban. Researchers estimate that applying the new EC Regulation can lead to up to a 27 million euros reduction in global turnover, with annual losses of up to 150,000 euros per year per vessel, which will cause irreversible and structural damage to the future of the EU longline fleet.
News January 30, 2023 Solving transport’s labour crisis requires policies that put workers first Last week, ETF launched a worker-centred discussion around the future of transport with EU Transport Commissioner, Adina Vălean, and the European Parliament’s TRAN Committee coordinators – Marin-Jean Marinescu (EPP), Petar Vitanov (S&D), Ciarán Cuffe (Greens/EFA) and Elena Kountoura (The Left).
News January 30, 2023 Forced labour and deep-sea fishing, critical topics at the upcoming Social Dialogue on Fisheries Sea Fisheries Social Partners are highly concerned about forced labour and the limitations of deep-sea fishing . In their upcoming meeting, they are considering adopting a joint resolution to ask for the EC proposal for a Regulation banning products deriving from forced labour to go hand in hand with the IUU Regulation.
News January 27, 2023 Inland Water Transport workers and the Posting of Workers Directive As the ETF IWT Sections’ expert for many years on the coordination of social security in the European Inland Waterways Transport sector, Cécile Tournaye proposes a new path to identify the national applicable labour law in IWT. As the IWT sector in Europe has no flag-state legislation, determining the applicable national labour law is extremely difficult.
Statement January 27, 2023 European trade unions federations on the anti-strike legislation in the UK – bin it ! The European Trade Union Federations (ETUFs) strongly condemn the UK government’s draft legislation on minimum service. It needs to be withdrawn.
Statement January 26, 2023 Social dialogue package: time for action The ETUFs expect the EU Commission – in close cooperation with the EU sectoral social partners – to define the criteria on the legislative implementation of agreements and also who can take part in EU sectoral social dialogue committees.
News January 25, 2023 Ukraine: Solidarity Strengthened by Conflict Ukrainian unions representing millions of transport workers welcomed leaders from European and global union federations to a solidarity meeting last week.
News January 24, 2023 ETF calls for the eradication of social dumping practices in IWT As Inland Waterways Transport (IWT) functions without having flag state legislation, it is challenging to indicate the national applicable labour law to those working in this de facto cross-border transport mode. ETF strongly urges the European Commission to ensure decent social security rights for all activities in IWT by eradicating social dumping practices in the sector.
Statement January 23, 2023 European trade unions condemn UK government’s anti-strike legislation ETF, EPSU and ETUCE, representing millions of public service, transport and education workers across Europe, strongly condemn the UK government’s plans to legislate on minimum service levels.
News January 18, 2023 EU Commission must improve the social dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy ETF expects significant improvements in the social dimension of the CFP from the upcoming publications by the Commission.
News January 18, 2023 Crisis management in ATM Social Dialogue The European Social Partners’ revised toolbox for successful social dialogue in the ATM sector is out. With this updated set of tools, ETF, ATCEUC and CANSO want to build together an effective social dialogue in air traffic management.