
Press Release April 26, 2022

Collapse of EU Air Traffic Management social dialogue

Successful implementation of the Single European Sky directly depends on the adoption of a social and human dimension roadmap for the SES that can only be achieved with the full commitment of all parties.

Statement April 26, 2022

ETF-ITF Statement on Belarus

ETF and ITF call on our affiliates to express solidarity with our brothers and sisters from Belarus, to demand the immediate release of trade unionists. Please support the call of global unions by signing the petition to stop the biggest attack on a trade union in Europe this century.

News April 1, 2022

Resolution of the ETF Executive Committee on Ukraine

The ETF Executive Committee has adopted a resolution reiterating ETF’s strong call for peace in Ukraine.
We are of the opinion that trade unions must send a strong and united condemnation not just for the war in Ukraine but for any other conflict.

News March 29, 2022

Silent no more: overworked tugboat workers are reaching breaking point

It’s not surprising that workplace accidents are increasing in severity. Unsafe manning levels are more common. Legal rest times are being violated. Workers’ stress and fatigue levels are rising. The pressure being placed on tug and towage workers is pushing them to breaking point.