News June 25, 2021 The world’s first bloc-to-bloc Air Transport Agreement enshrines a labour clause Together with our aviation affiliates, we worked hard to ensure aviation workers’ rights and conditions are safeguarded. AE CATA contains a labour clause to this end, and now we will closely monitor its implementation as well as its effectiveness.
News June 25, 2021 Milestone ILO Convention 190 comes into force ILO Violence and Harassment Convention 190 – the first international treaty to address violence and harassment – comes into force. ETF continues to call on countries to ratify, but unions are already taking action and can use ETF’s Workplace Guidance to put the topic on the agenda.
Statement June 25, 2021 Day of the Seafarer: Give them a fair future! On this year’s Day of the Seafarer, we call for a fair future – seafarers have a message on what they think it should look like!
Statement June 23, 2021 European Parliament approves dangerous air traffic management reform TRAN Committee position in support of controversial Single European Sky 2+ and Performance Review Body reforms of the air traffic management sector favours liberalisation, ignoring workers’ concerns, and showing little consideration for the social and human consequences the major reform will have.
Union Action June 15, 2021 “We’re optimists!” – 3F Transport leads the fight against nemlig’s abuse of workers The ETF caught up with Jan Villadsen, chairman of 3F Transport and ETF Vice-President to get his take on, what’s happening to nemlig drivers and warehouse workers and the way forward.
Statement June 15, 2021 ETF study on driver fatigue hits the mark ETF study “Driver Fatigue in European Road Transport” hits the mark in more ways than one and provides constructive insight and recommendations to improve drivers’ working conditions and eliminate driver fatigue.
News June 14, 2021 Urban public transport workers must be at the core of EU Urban Mobility Framework While we welcome the objective of the new urban mobility framework initiative to increase the share of sustainable transport modes; for the ETF, it’s clear that the transport workers of urban mobility must be at the core of this framework if the EU is to meet climate objectives.
News June 14, 2021 The right to organise prevails over economic freedom On the 10th of June, the European Court of Human Rights issued an important decision on the Holship case involving the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) and the Norwegian Transport Workers’ Union (NTF) vs Norway. The decision makes a very valuable point on workers’ rights: it states that the freedom of establishment is not a counterbalancing fundamental right to freedom of association.
Statement June 14, 2021 ETF and ITF express solidarity with Aéroports de Paris unions preparing for industrial action The ITF and the ETF express their firm solidarity with French trade unions as they prepare to take industrial action at the Aéroports de Paris (Charles de Gaulle-Roissy and Orly airports) between 1 July and 5 July.
Statement June 14, 2021 European aviation sector is not in the clear yet The European aviation sector needs dedicated support measures in order to survive the crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. The ETF urges European institutions as well as Member States to provide additional support measures to the European aviation sector and its workers.
Statement June 11, 2021 National football teams must take a stand against social dumping in aviation ETF is deeply concerned about reports that the German national football team will be using the Lithuanian carrier, KlasJet, for its travel during the UEFA Euro 2020 football tournament. Germany will be the second national team to use this company which has advertised cabin crew jobs operating on this “VIP” carrier with salaries as low as €540 per month.
Statement June 10, 2021 ETF voices concern over new social dumping brand within Lufthansa Group The ETF and its affiliates call on the Lufthansa Group to ensure that their respective brands will engage in social dialogue with our affiliated unions with immediate effect if this does not currently exist in a coherent and permanent fashion.