
Statement June 9, 2021

Reports of “Management by fear” in EASA: Union activity is not the problem

As the representative body of all aviation workers in Europe we have seen first-hand the damage to workers and indeed to air safety caused by a “management of fear” which is attested to in a recent report. Therefore, we are deeply alarmed by the claims that this is potentially the style of management employed by EASA whose role is to protect air safety and promote just culture throughout the aviation industry.

Press Release June 7, 2021

Belgian Red Devils must refuse to fly with airline company KlasJet

The Red Devils are set to take off this Friday for the UEFA European Football Championship with a plane from the Lithuanian company Klasjet. In a letter, the European Transport Workers’ Federation asks them not to. Klasjet is a carrier that practices social dumping and pays its staff wages well below Belgian standards. The ETF calls on the Belgian national team to “Take a stand for the transport workers of Europe by refusing to fly with Klasjet.”

Statement June 2, 2021

ETF to EU Transport Ministers: “It’s time to step up for fair transport!”

Ahead of tomorrow’s Transport Council which will see discussions on the Smart Sustainable Mobility Strategy, the ETF implores transport ministers to lead the debate for change and show political will to set the basis and shift the paradigm of low-cost models, liberalisation and competition based on a race to the bottom that has dominated transport policies over the last decades.

Statement June 2, 2021

ETF and ECSA renew their joint call for prompt seafarers’ vaccination

ECSA and ETF would like to draw the attention of the Ministers of Transport to the recently adopted ILO Resolution on COVID-19 vaccination for seafarers which recognizes the importance of seafarers as key workers and calls upon States to provide seafarers with access to COVID-19 vaccination at the earliest opportunity.

Statement June 1, 2021

ETF calls for immediate waiver of patents on Covid-19 vaccines

A genuine recovery from COVID-19 will only be possible if it occurs globally and simultaneously, ensuring universal access to vaccination and medical equipment everywhere. The ETF demands that the European Commission, EU Council and all European States immediately support India and South Africa’s proposal at the WTO to fight Covid-19.