New medical guidelines for fishers
ETF and Europêche have published new Guidelines on the medical examinations of fishers, paving the way for the harmonisation of standards for health and fitness checks across Europe and worldwide.
Women in Rail – EU-level negotiations between social partners resume
Today, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), representing employees, and the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), representing railway sector employers, resumed negotiations at EU-level for a binding agreement aimed at promoting women’s employment in the sector.
Could a global minimum tax be a game-changer for the way EU shipping is governed?
The OECD proposal for a global minimum tax for multinational companies would ensure that corporations pay taxes and participate to the common societal effort regardless of where they base their operations.
Aviation social partners present a joint four-step plan for safely resuming travel
Based on the crucial lessons learned during the pandemic, European social partners in Civil Aviation propose a 4-stage action plan that will ensure a strong recovery of the industry.
To bring about just transition, aviation industry must focus on people, not profits
In April, the ETF held a series of internal discussions on sustainable aviation, with guests ranging from employers’ groups to environmental NGOs. Some clear-cut themes emerged from the lively debate, building a foundation for the ETF’s future work on the topic.
New digital tools for enforcing mobile workers’ rights
Ahead of the Social Summit, the ETF jointly with ETUC, EFFAT, ETF, EPSU, UNIEuropa and industriAll calls on the European Commission to not only confirm the launch of the European Social Security Pass (ESSP), but to move it forward from 2023 to 2022.
ETF, Europeche and LDAC call for transposition of international instruments on maritime safety and labour in fisheries
LDAC, ETF and Europeche sent a joint letter to the European Commission, requesting the transposition of key international legal instruments on safety and labour standards in the fishing sector.
Human trafficking and slavery on the road: the ETF demands justice now!
Following the release of the shocking documentary “Lorry Slaves: Immigrant Exploitation in Lithuania”, the ETF addresses an open letter to Europe’s policy makers on the reality in road transport: we demand justice now!
Inland Waterways in Europe: Market Insight Report April 2021
The Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) has published the new Market Insight report April 2021 on European inland navigation. This edition has a special focus on France.
Labour Day 2021: Policy makers, it’s time to take action for fair transport!
Ahead of Labour Day, the ETF addresses an open letter to European and national policy makers to remind them about the reality of transport workers and urge them to take action for fair transport:
European Parliament TRAN Committee opinion fails to take a stance on platform work
The Transport (TRAN) Committee of the European Parliament adopted on 20 April its opinion on ‘fair working conditions, rights and social protection for platform workers’. Although it includes several constructive demands, it fails to condemn bogus self-employment and third employment status explicitly.
“They aim to divide workers” – Trade unionists in Spain expose Ryanair’s tactics
ETF affiliates Sitcpla and USO have been fighting Ryanair in courts for years, and they’ve won many significant battles. We spoke to them about their union strategy, the reasons behind it, and how they’ve used it to help their members.