
Press Release May 20, 2021

New medical guidelines for fishers

ETF and Europêche have published new Guidelines on the medical examinations of fishers, paving the way for the harmonisation of standards for health and fitness checks across Europe and worldwide.

Press Release May 18, 2021

Women in Rail – EU-level negotiations between social partners resume

Today, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), representing employees, and the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), representing railway sector employers, resumed negotiations at EU-level for a binding agreement aimed at promoting women’s employment in the sector.

Statement May 6, 2021

New digital tools for enforcing mobile workers’ rights

Ahead of the Social Summit, the ETF jointly with ETUC, EFFAT, ETF, EPSU, UNIEuropa and industriAll calls on the European Commission to not only confirm the launch of the European Social Security Pass (ESSP), but to move it forward from 2023 to 2022.