
News February 12, 2021

Plans for Alitalia successor must protect jobs and working conditions

Alitalia employs more than 10,000 people in Italy, and its fate will impact not only all of their lives but also the broader Italian aviation, transport and tourism industries. To stimulate the discussion on the future of the company and allow unions to seek answers, the ETF brought together representatives of Italian unions and DG COMP on Wednesday.

Press Release February 10, 2021

Recovery and Resilience Facility: Transport Keeps Us Going Forward

With the slogan “Transport for EU Recovery”, ETF, together with 31 organisations has issued a Statement on the Recovery and Resilience Facility to jointly call on Member States and the European Commission to ensure that the transport sector receives adequate consideration in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans.

Union Action February 8, 2021

Italy’s public transport workers on strike after employers’ organisations refuse to negotiate renewal of collective agreement

Public transport workers in Italy are on strike today to demand negotiations on a national sectoral collective agreement for public transport workers. The action of ETF affiliates FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL, UILTRASPORTI is a result of the employers’ organisations’ refusal to negotiate the renewal of the agreement that expired on 31 December 2017.

News February 4, 2021

ETF Talks – EYR 2021: Boosting rail with railway workers on board?

The third episode of ETF Talks focusses on the European Year of Rail 2021, the role of rail in contributing to climate goals, why policies have failed so far, the effects of social shortcomings of the sector on railways workers and what needs to be done to boost railways with its workforce on board.

News February 4, 2021

3F secures ground-breaking national sectoral agreement for delivery riders

Danish trade union 3F and the employers’ organisation Dansk Erhverv reached a national sectoral agreement covering Just Eat’s Riders. But this victory is only the beginning: ‘3F and the European trade union movement will not stop fighting for platform workers’ rights!’

Statement February 3, 2021

Deliveroo must act after another rider killed on the job

Romulo Sta Ana, a Filipino father of two, is the latest food delivery rider to be killed on the job. The ITF and ETF offer our condolences to the family of Romulo Sta Ana and call on digital labour platforms to be regulated to put an end to the disastrous race-to-the-bottom that has harmed far too many workers already.