
Press Release March 8, 2021

ETF-ECSA: EU shipping needs to attract and retain more women

On International Women’s Day, ECSA and ETF continue to advocate the enhanced participation of women in European shipping. As part of the WESS project, they are launching a survey that will help them determine the current state of women’s employment in the sector and assess women seafarers’ needs, a first step of an EU-funded project to increase women’s participation in the shipping industry.

Statement March 8, 2021

IWD 2021: Employers and governments must do more to protect women at work!

“In the transport sector, violence and harassment are still often seen as part of the job. And that is unacceptable”. On International Women’s Day, the ETF joins the international trade union movement to call on governments to ratify the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention no. 190, which will come into force in June this year.  

News March 4, 2021

ETF’s reply to International Transport Forum Consultation stresses urgent need to make transport fit for women to work in

In view of their 2021 Summit, the International Transport Forum (ITF) launched their Annual Gender in Transport Consultation to bring together all perspectives needed to advance gender equality in the transport sector. As an ITF stakeholder, ETF sent in a written contribution focussing how to make the transport sector attractive for women to work in and on the impacts of COVID-19 on women transport workers.