
Press Release November 20, 2020

The fishing sector joins forces with the international community to call for wide ratification of ILO C188

ETF and Europêche hosted a webinar on the ILO C188, in collaboration with the ILO, the European Commission and representatives of important fishing nations such as France, the Netherlands, Denmark and the United Kingdom. High-ranked panellists widely called for the ratification and implementation of the ILO C188 and its EU equivalent, EU Directive 2017/159.

Statement November 19, 2020

World Toilet Day: Women Transport Workers tell it like it is

Part of providing a safe and adequate work environment for women transport workers is having and providing access to decent sanitary facilities. However, when we interviewed around 3,000 women in transport, it emerged that access to toilets is a serious issue affecting their health and safety at work.

News November 18, 2020

Crisis as a game-changer: The future of waterborne transport is fair

In light of Digital Transport Days taking place on 18 November, ETF Maritime team has published a paper on the future of waterborne transport. ETF’s vision of a fair and sustainable future of waterborne transport shows that there is an alternative to the current business practices in the sectors.

Publication November 17, 2020

ETF’s take on the Sustainable Urban Mobility Package

ETF’s position highlights key demands, our vision of the role of public transport, the role of EU decision-makers and public authorities, our take on Smart Mobility and the need for fair conditions in the sector.

Press Release November 16, 2020

EU Aviation Maps a Sustainable, Post-Crisis Future in Round Table Report

Over 20 associations collectively representing the entire European aviation ecosystem have issued a comprehensive collaborative analysis today, detailing ways aviation can recover sustainably and more resiliently from the COVID-19 crisis whilst supporting the European Union’s Green Deal objectives.

News November 11, 2020

EU must put in place effective measures to ban imports from fleets with evidence of labour abuses

There is growing evidence that the fleets scoring worst in global IUU fishing are also the ones where more cases of forced labour and human rights and labour abuses are observed. To stop imports of fish products from countries that are violating environmental as well as labour standards to the EU, European Social Partners of the fisheries sector adopted a resolution, urging the Commission to take appropriate actions.