Union Action February 8, 2021 Italy’s public transport workers on strike after employers’ organisations refuse to negotiate renewal of collective agreement Public transport workers in Italy are on strike today to demand negotiations on a national sectoral collective agreement for public transport workers. The action of ETF affiliates FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL, UILTRASPORTI is a result of the employers’ organisations’ refusal to negotiate the renewal of the agreement that expired on 31 December 2017.
Union Action February 8, 2021 ver.di secures better working conditions and pay for 87.000 public transport workers across Germany amidst pandemic Against all odds, ver.di’s collective bargaining campaign, including a nationwide strike, brought better working conditions and pay for 87.000 public transport workers across Germany.
News February 5, 2021 Inclusion of frontline aviation workers in vaccination plans is key to European economic recovery Several European social partners in civil aviation released a joint statement highlighting the importance of the aviation industry for European economic recovery and calling for frontline aviation workers to be included in national vaccination plans.
News February 4, 2021 ETF Talks – EYR 2021: Boosting rail with railway workers on board? The third episode of ETF Talks focusses on the European Year of Rail 2021, the role of rail in contributing to climate goals, why policies have failed so far, the effects of social shortcomings of the sector on railways workers and what needs to be done to boost railways with its workforce on board.
News February 4, 2021 3F secures ground-breaking national sectoral agreement for delivery riders Danish trade union 3F and the employers’ organisation Dansk Erhverv reached a national sectoral agreement covering Just Eat’s Riders. But this victory is only the beginning: ‘3F and the European trade union movement will not stop fighting for platform workers’ rights!’
Statement February 3, 2021 Deliveroo must act after another rider killed on the job Romulo Sta Ana, a Filipino father of two, is the latest food delivery rider to be killed on the job. The ITF and ETF offer our condolences to the family of Romulo Sta Ana and call on digital labour platforms to be regulated to put an end to the disastrous race-to-the-bottom that has harmed far too many workers already.
News February 2, 2021 #HoldBizAccountable: Workers demand accountability for rights violations Workers are joining the fight to #HoldBizAccountable. Make your voice heard and demand accountability for rights violations and environmental destruction!
News February 1, 2021 ETF pledges full cooperation with European Labour Authority to rid transport of social dumping During a meeting with ELA today, ETF stressed that workers need an active Authority that meets trade union expectations as soon as possible. ELA must become an effective body that fights cross-border fraud via joint inspections, cooperation and exchange of information between the Member States.
Union Action January 29, 2021 Polish docker reinstated following lengthy battle with Hutchison A Polish docker and trade union activist Marek Szymczak has been reinstated this month, following a lengthy battle with global terminal operator Hutchison.
Statement January 28, 2021 ETF and ITF support ver.di in their fight against UPS redundancies The ETF and ITF lend their full support to German trade union ver.di in their fight against the announcement of 500 job cuts by UPS in Germany.
Publication January 27, 2021 Managing the impact of Brexit on multinational companies Joint European Trade Union Federations’ Recommendations to EWC/SE Coordinators and worker representatives in SNBs, EWCs and SEs.
Press Release January 26, 2021 Ground handling sector fights for its survival as more than half of airport-based workers are out of work ETF estimates that almost 60 per cent of ground handling workers are out of work, putting European aviation’s long-term stability in danger.