
News October 7, 2020

‘ETF Talks’ launch on World Day for Decent Work: Trade Unions Build Back Better!

In honour of World Day for Decent Work, the ETF has released its very first episode of ETF Talks: Conversations that Put Social First! This very first segment, Trade Unions Build Back Better!, focuses on the effects of COVID-19, the vital role of trade unions, the road to recovery, and what the future of transport could look like and what it will look like if workers are not an integral part of it all.

News October 2, 2020

Rescue at sea: the Commission’s Migration Pact lacks solidarity and clarity

The European Commission published a New Pact on Migration and Asylum. Initial analysis of the text revealed that the document still lacks solidarity, as well as legal clarity and coordinated solutions for cases where commercial vessels and their crew are involved in rescuing migrants and refugees.

News September 29, 2020

Solidarity with public transport workers striking in Germany

Public transport workers all over Germany have gone on strike to fight for fair working conditions. ETF stands in solidarity! ver.di has been calling for a national framework collective bargaining agreement since March, but VKA has spoken out against negotiations despite ver.di’s justified demands.

News September 24, 2020

Can fishers help cleaning the sea from plastic waste?

ETF affiliate FLAI-CGIL presented the findings of new research today, highlighting that fishers catch huge amounts of plastic every day, and the various opportunities that collecting plastic can offer to the fishers.

News September 24, 2020

COVID-19 and aviation: Time to rethink!

ETF statement on COVID-19, calling on policy-makers and aviation stakeholders to use the crisis to rethink the ‘old’ system and to ‘repair’ its structural weaknesses and distortions that the crisis revealed.