News December 2, 2020 ETF affiliates commit to continued Europe-wide fight for fair transport Union responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and a strong recovery that puts social first were at the heart of discussions when ETF affiliates came together online last week.
News December 1, 2020 Inland Waterways in Europe: Market Insight Report November 2020 The Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) has published the new Market Insight report November 2020 on European inland navigation. This edition has a special focus on Austria.
Statement December 1, 2020 Solidarity with the striking workers at Heathrow Heathrow workers have announced four days of strike action in December, the first one being today. ETF stands with Unite the Union and the striking workers and condemns Heathrow Airport Limited’s attempts at making the workers pay the price for corporate irresponsibility.
News November 30, 2020 Countries shall ratify ILO C188 and protect the rights of fishers worldwide A recording of the social partners’ event on ILO “Work in fishing” Convention is now available to watch online.
News November 27, 2020 Webinar: effects of automation and digitalisation on young transport workers The ETF Youth Committee organised a webinar to discuss the impact of automation and digitalisation on young workers and needed trade union response, and to present examples of how unions have been using digital tools to their advantage.
News November 26, 2020 European trade unions call for more democracy at work The ETUC and ETUFs handed over a petition for more democracy at work to the European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit and MEPs, calling for concrete and rapid actions to guarantee the effective enforcement and compliance of workers’ rights to be informed, consulted and to participate in decision-making before any decision is adopted.
News November 26, 2020 ETF condemns abhorrent employers’ actions in the Port of Bilbao and stands with the striking workers Expressing support for Spanish affiliates, ETF addressed a letter to the Spanish Ministers of transport and work, as well as Basque Government, to call for mediation in the conflict between unions and employers in the Port of Bilbao.
News November 25, 2020 Image Line Communications appointed to implement the Women in Shipping priority actions CSA and the ETF are happy to announce that they have appointed ‘Image Line Communications’ as the lead agency to support them with the implementation of the priority actions identified in their joint declaration of intention on the enhanced participation of women in EU shipping.
News November 25, 2020 End VAW: ETF leads the way with Workplace Guidance to address violence and harassment against women at work To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the ETF is taking a stand. Not only are we continuing to call on governments to ratify the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention No. 190 and Recommendation No. 206; we are also releasing our Workplace Guidance to address violence and harassment against women at work.
Press Release November 20, 2020 The fishing sector joins forces with the international community to call for wide ratification of ILO C188 ETF and Europêche hosted a webinar on the ILO C188, in collaboration with the ILO, the European Commission and representatives of important fishing nations such as France, the Netherlands, Denmark and the United Kingdom. High-ranked panellists widely called for the ratification and implementation of the ILO C188 and its EU equivalent, EU Directive 2017/159.
Statement November 19, 2020 World Toilet Day: Women Transport Workers tell it like it is Part of providing a safe and adequate work environment for women transport workers is having and providing access to decent sanitary facilities. However, when we interviewed around 3,000 women in transport, it emerged that access to toilets is a serious issue affecting their health and safety at work.
News November 18, 2020 ETF Talks – Digital & Social Disruption: Are the gig economy & fair work compatible? Is the gig economy compatible with fair work? To answer this burning question, we’ve brought together MEP Johan Danielsson, ETF Vice President, Jan Villadsen; ETUI’s Director of Research Department, Nicola Countouris; and ETF’s General Secretary, Livia Spera as moderator.