News September 29, 2020 Solidarity with public transport workers striking in Germany Public transport workers all over Germany have gone on strike to fight for fair working conditions. ETF stands in solidarity! ver.di has been calling for a national framework collective bargaining agreement since March, but VKA has spoken out against negotiations despite ver.di’s justified demands.
Statement September 28, 2020 Brexit: ETF warns of chaos in road transport with port delays at UK border The ETF has addressed a letter to the EU-UK Brexit Negotiation Taskforce to express concerns that Brexit will come with chaos and confusion on the UK border, and with delays at ports due to incomplete IT systems.
News September 25, 2020 ETF’s take on the Digital Services Act: ‘Platform work requires more attention!’ As part of the European Digital Strategy, the European Commission is currently working on the new Digital Services Act. The ETF replied to the consultation, but firmly states that the issue of platform work requires more attention and a specific focus rather than being added to a consultation on another topic.
Press Release September 24, 2020 Trade unions sound alarm over Ryanair CEO’s bonus pay in the time of mass dismissals and state support provided to the airline ETF and ITF condemn the shareholders’ decision to pay out a €458,000 bonus to Ryanair’s CEO Michael O’Leary after the carrier made thousands of workers redundant, cut workers’ salaries and took state pandemic support.
News September 24, 2020 Can fishers help cleaning the sea from plastic waste? ETF affiliate FLAI-CGIL presented the findings of new research today, highlighting that fishers catch huge amounts of plastic every day, and the various opportunities that collecting plastic can offer to the fishers.
News September 24, 2020 COVID-19 and aviation: Time to rethink! ETF statement on COVID-19, calling on policy-makers and aviation stakeholders to use the crisis to rethink the ‘old’ system and to ‘repair’ its structural weaknesses and distortions that the crisis revealed.
News September 23, 2020 World Maritime Day: Sustainable working environments are essential for a sustainable maritime future ETF Maritime team issues an open letter on World Maritime Day, calling on the EU to be the leading force in working towards true sustainability, in promoting high social and environmental standards, and reaching the Sustainable Development Goals.
Press Release September 23, 2020 Single European Sky SES II+ proposal: another missed opportunity to improve ATM functioning ETF responds to the new SES proposal. Initial analysis shows that the proposal ignores countless issues that air traffic management has been facing, and instead focuses on reducing costs of ATM services and aims to bring more competition into the sector.
Union Action September 22, 2020 Enough is enough! – ver.di calls for strike action as German municipal employers block collective bargaining! Strikes are taking place in Germany, as ETF’s German affiliate ver.di prepares actions, and calls on urban public transport workers to strike!
News September 22, 2020 European Mobility Week – ‘Strengthen urban public transport!’ As EU Mobility week draws to a close, the ETF emphasises the importance of strengthening collective urban public transport.
Statement September 21, 2020 #EU4FairWork – End bogus self-employment! The ETF takes part in the European Commission’s Week of Action to tackle undeclared work by shedding light on the growing issue in various transport sectors – bogus self-employment.
News September 18, 2020 ETF joins industry coalition in a call for travel restriction coordination A coalition of stakeholders from aviation, transport, and tourism industries addressed a letter to Ursula von der Leyen today, expressing support of the Commission’s proposed EU coordination framework for travel restrictions.