
News January 17, 2024

European Parliament Votes in Favor of a Comprehensive European Port Strategy

The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), a keen observer and active participant in the formulation of this strategy, has played a crucial role in influencing the report’s final content. Initially, the draft report had a glaring omission – it failed to address the workforce, a critical component of the port ecosystem.

News December 21, 2023

ETF Criticizes Proposed EU Fiscal Policies: A Threat to Transport Workers

In response to the EU finance ministers finalising the Council’s position on reforming the EU’s economic governance rules, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) has expressed serious concerns. These reforms, perceived as a renovation of austerity measures, are detrimental to workers, and public funding for transport in Europe.

Statement December 20, 2023

The closure of SNCF Fret will not go ahead

The commission set up by the French parliament to investigate the French government’s decision to shut down SNCF Fret decides against the closure.
The ETF joins its French railway member organisations in welcoming this decision.

Press Release December 16, 2023

ETF and ECSA express deep concerns over attacks on commercial vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden

The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) call for immediate action to urgently address this alarming situation. The lives and safety of our seafarers are put at risk, with attacks increasing on a daily basis. Seafarers are the beating heart of the shipping industry, and their ability to perform their duties without fear for their safety is essential. 

Press Release December 13, 2023

ETF Welcomes Platform Work Directive with a Call for Vigilant Enforcement

 The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) is cautiously optimistic about the provisional agreement on the Platform Work Directive, marking a potentially pivotal moment in the fight for the rights of millions of gig economy workers. In solidarity with the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), ETF welcome what we hope will be a major advancement in correcting the long-standing misclassification of platform workers. However, we still need see the final text once agreed by all parties.

News December 13, 2023

ETF Backs Serbian Workers in Fight Against Union Busting at Air Serbia

The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) has shown strong support for Serbian workers facing union suppression at Air Serbia, a state-owned airline. Demonstrating their commitment, ETF representatives visited the Serbian Embassy in Brussels on Monday, 11 December, delivering a petition signed by over 4,000 individuals This petition calls on the Serbian government to stop union busting within the public company.

Statement December 13, 2023

ETF Criticizes Approved Flexibilization Rules in Bus and Coach

The European Transport Workers’ Federation has expressed significant disappointment following the recent parliamentary approval of further flexibilization in organising breaks and rest for road passenger transport workers. The ETF, a leading voice in advocating for workers’ rights in the transportation sector, views these changes as a step backwards in ensuring a fair and safe working environment.

Press Release December 12, 2023

ETF Joined ETUC Demonstration in Brussels to Protest Austerity 2.0 and Advocate for Rail Freight

The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), its affiliates, and a significant delegation of ETF railway workers have united with the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) in a march to the European institutions in Brussels. Their purpose is to voice strong opposition to plans for the commencement of the austerity 2.0 program slated for the upcoming year.

Statement December 8, 2023

ETF Urges EU Commission to Address Risks of Emissions Trading System (ETS) on European Ports

ETF is voicing its concerns over the potential social and economic impact of the European Union’s Emissions Trading System on European ports. With the EU’s ambitious climate goals, including a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, the ETF is aligned with the need for environmental action. However, the extension of ETS to the maritime sector, which will involve monitoring emissions from ships using EU ports from January 2024, has raised serious apprehensions.

News December 7, 2023

ETF’s Executive Committee Meeting and Approved Documents – November 2023

The ETF Executive Committee met on November 29-30, 2023, in Berlin, marking a significant gathering of unions from across Europe. During two days, several topics were discussed, namely reports on ETF’s regular projects and budget. We had the opportunity to listen to workers about the ongoing work on sustainability, equality, women and youth.

News December 7, 2023

Transport Unions Unite to Support Workers’ Rights at Tesla

In a powerful display of international worker solidarity, transport unions in Sweden and Denmark have joined forces to demand that Tesla, the electric vehicle giant, respects the negotiations with IF Metall union, workers’ rights and recognizes their right to a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) stands firmly in solidarity with this ongoing strike action.

Press Release December 5, 2023

Just Transition for mobility workers: Transport and manufacturing workers speak with one voice

In alignment with the upcoming EU Transport Day at COP 28, IndustriAll Europe and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) unite to present their first-ever joint Just Transition demands. This groundbreaking collaboration aims to voice the urgent need for a just and fair transition for the 20 million workers in the European mobility sector.