News July 1, 2020 ETF on the EU’s Motorways of the Sea: new implementation plans are an improvement but social aspects still missing ETF responds to the European Commission’s new MoS Detailed Implementation Plan 2020.
News June 30, 2020 EU temporarily adopts extensions of validity of driving licenses, qualification certificates, driver cards If you are a bus, coach or truck driver and your driving licence, qualification certificate or driver card expired during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, you will be relieved to learn that some of the renewal deadlines have been extended. As were the deadlines for the completion of the driver periodic training, and the replacement of stolen, lost or damaged driver cards.
News June 29, 2020 ETF response to József Váradi: Aviation workers of Europe are ready to fight and stand up for their rights In a recent interview, Wizz Air CEO József Varadi reflected on some of the company’s business practices and boasted of its anti-union activities. ETF responds.
Statement June 26, 2020 Worker involvement in managing the Covid-19 crisis – Joint Statement by ETF, fellow ETUFs and ETUC Workers are already facing the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis through massive restructuring in EU companies. ETF, fellow ETUFs and ETUC call on the European and national institutions to deliver concrete and rapid actions to guarantee the effective enforcement of workers’ rights to be informed, consulted and to participate in decision-making before any decision is adopted. Timely and quality social dialogue in the workplace is a necessary pillar to ensure a way out of this pandemic in a socially responsible manner.
News June 25, 2020 Ryanair: Reinstate sacked union leaders at Prague base! ETF launches a petition to urge the Czech authorities to protect workers’ rights at Ryanair.
Statement June 25, 2020 Day of the Seafarer 2020: Let them go home! ECSA and the ETF: The EU has to start acting to resolve the current crew change crisis
News June 23, 2020 ETF supports Italian unions on the issue of self-handling in ports The ETF Dockers’ Section has sent a letter to the Italian Ministry of Transport in support of the requests of its Italian affiliates, asking for rules that clarify the problem of self-handling in ports.
News June 23, 2020 COVID-19: Social partners call for crew changes of fishers in West Africa ETF, Europeche and Cogeca addressed a letter to the relevant authorities of Senegal and Ivory Coast to ask for their cooperation and support in facilitating the repatriation of fishermen stranded in West Africa.
Press Release June 23, 2020 Save your sky! – For a safe and resilient air traffic control system To inform the EU citizens of the current situation of Air Traffic Services and potential consequences for the safety in the skies, Unions and Professional Associations representing ATM/ANS (Air Traffic Management/Air Navigation Services) staff (ATCEUC, ETF, IFAIMA, IFATCA, IFATSEA) have decided to launch a petition.
News June 22, 2020 Milestone ILO Convention 190 celebrates first anniversary Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the historic adoption of the ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work which is supplemented by Recommendation 206. Why is ILO C190 groundbreaking and what’s next? ETF explains.
Statement June 19, 2020 North American dockers receive international support in their ongoing fight for racial justice Italian dockers from FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL and Uiltrasporti join ILWU in protests of solidarity with the struggle for racial equality and social justice.