News June 19, 2020 ETF and ETSC vow to make road safety a reality ETF endorses recommendations from ETSC’s (European Transport Safety Council) report on how to improve the safety of goods vehicles. Together, we will present a united front to ensure the implementation of these proposals, and work closely together in our fight for road safety, both for professional drivers and road users!
Union Action June 18, 2020 Automation in ports: dockers take action in Rotterdam to defend their jobs Expressing their disagreement with the recent actions of the Port Authority, dockers in the Port of Rotterdam took part in a protest yesterday. The dockers’ union FNV Havens alleges that the Authority has violated the agreement that guarantees additional jobs for dockers in the port.
News June 18, 2020 “Do it!” – EU Recovery Plan must pave the way for fair transport ETF joins the ETUC in calling on the EU Council to speed up payment of EU emergency support for health and protecting incomes and jobs and agree on an EU Jobs Recovery Plan for massive investment & solidarity. For the transport industry, a recovery plan should not be back-to-business-as-before – a policy shift must accompany it!
News June 18, 2020 ETF calls for social deployment of EU recovery budget in bus and coach The ETF calls on EU Commissioner for Transport, Members of the European Parliament and Member States for a social deployment of the EU recovery budget in the bus and coach transport.
Worker's Story June 17, 2020 Cabin crew member speaks out about Ryanair’s dubious practices In April 2020 a cabin crew member won a case against Ryanair’s employment agency – Crewlink – in Ireland. He shared his story with us, giving us insight into the case, as well as reflecting on other Ryanair’s actions.
News June 16, 2020 ETF’s open letter to EU Transport Ministers: “It’s time to shape a fair future transport policy!” In an open letter addressed to the EU’s Transport Ministers, the ETF makes a plea for a transparent, inclusive, and open process to shape up the future transport policy.
News June 12, 2020 ETF and ECSA call upon Health Ministers to support actions on the national level to ensure crew changes ETF and ECSA addressed a letter to Health Ministers today, calling upon them to support collective actions on the national level to ensure crew changes can happen. Time is now!
News June 11, 2020 ETF and ZZPPiL back conditional state aid for PLL LOT Awaiting European Commission’s response to the Polish government’s state aid to PLL LOT, ETF and Związek Zawodowy Personelu Pokładowego i Lotniczego (Trade Union of Cabin and Flight Crew) addressed a letter of support to the Commission’s president Ursula von der Leyen, expressing their support with the – conditional – state aid.
News June 9, 2020 COVID-19: European unions call for a recognition award for UPS workers A group of unions representing workers at UPS around Europe urge the company to introduce recognition awards for workers and call for a meeting.
Union Action June 8, 2020 Czech union supports dismissed Ryanair union members in their fight for justice Czech transport union Odborový svaz dopravy has been supporting Ryanair cabin crew in the Prague base for a couple of months now. What started as guidance in setting up union structures and getting the union officially recognised, turned into a fight for the right to organise last week, when Ryanair fired three of the leading members.
News June 5, 2020 COVID-19: Seafarers continue working, but are denied basic human rights An ILO webinar on COVID-19 and maritime labour issues took place online this morning, with representatives of various industry stakeholders taking place, including Nautilus International, ETF affiliate, represented by Mark Dickinson.
Worker's Story June 5, 2020 Ryanair cabin crew members in Prague fired after unionising Only a day after a new cabin crew union in Prague notified Ryanair of their existence and requested a meeting to discuss working conditions, three union leaders were fired. They shared their story with us, taking us through their experience of working for the company, shining a light on Ryanair’s anti-union practices.