
News June 4, 2020

IWT educational network EDINNA meets online

Edinna – the educational network of inland waterway navigation schools and training institutes – brought together its members in an online meeting, to exchange information on how they’ve been coping with and adapting to the effects of COVID-19.

News June 2, 2020

IWT social partners respond to EC’s fitness check on market access legislation

European IWT social partners – ETF, European Barge Union, and European Skippers’ Organisation – addressed a letter to European Commissioner for Transport A. Vàlean and European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs N. Schmit to present their positions on the coordination of social security in European Inland Waterways.

Press Release May 29, 2020

ETF and ECA call for a fair deal for the Lufthansa Group

ETF and ECA call on the European Commission to reconsider one of the conditions attached to the approval of state aid for Lufthansa Group, as it would benefit some of the most notorious airlines that continue to lower working standards around Europe.

News May 27, 2020

European research confirms the need for innovation in maritime education

A new report of the SkillSea project confirms that digitisation and modern technologies have been rapidly changing the maritime sector in recent years. European maritime professionals, both at sea and ashore, need more digital and soft skills to stay ahead of the industry.