
Statement March 5, 2020

Keep Europe moving!

We were sad to learn about another bankruptcy in civil aviation today – UK’s regional airline Flybe. The spread of the COVID-19 has had an important impact in accelerating the process towards the bankruptcy of the airline, which represents just one of the symptoms of a Europe-wide crisis. Decisive action needs to be taken to keep Europe moving.

To prevent a complete collapse of the air transport networks in the immediate future, the EU, European countries and other key authorities such as EASA need to come up with a detailed, clear and effective contingency plan.

News March 5, 2020

Effective and ambitious legislation on due diligence is urgently needed

The ETF calls for a European directive on mandatory human rights due diligence and responsible business conduct.

Companies need to finally be held accountable for the impacts of their operations, without prejudice to joint and several liability.  A European directive would bring us closer to stopping violations of human rights that continue to take place in multinational operations, and their supply and subcontracting chains. 

Press Release February 19, 2020

Return lashing to shore-based dock workers!

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) today call upon ship operators to return lashing to shore based dock workers.

Press Release February 19, 2020

ETF and IRU urge EU to address unprecedented driver shortage in road transport industry

Yesterday marked the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the EU Social Dialogue Committee for Road Transport between social partners IRU and ETF. ETF and IRU reminded the EU officials that driver shortage is alarmingly increasing in the EU, with 20% of unfilled drivers’ positions in passenger and goods transport in 2019.

News February 18, 2020

ETF meets with EU Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean

ETF attends first meeting, hopefully, the first of many to come, with EU Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean. We hope that this is the start of fruitful cooperation that will shape the future of Fair Transport for Europe.

Publication February 18, 2020

A new guide on European Works Councils

An instrumental guide on EWC’s is the final outcome of a joint project of the EWC Deutsche Bahn AG and EWC Deutsche Post DHL Group called “EWC and the national and local level”.