COVID-19: Seafarers’ trying journeys
Kees Wiersum, a Dutch captain, shares some insights into the life on board during the COVID-19 pandemic.
ETF addresses letter to German Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure ahead of German Presidency in Council of the EU
In the light of the upcoming German Presidency in the Council of the European Union, the ETF has addressed a letter to Andreas Scheuer, Germany’s Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. We pinpoint the issues in the transport sector that are currently of the utmost urgency in the context of the COVID-19 crisis as well as outline our priorities for the future EU transport policy.
“Solidarity is the basis of our recovery plan!”, say Frank Moreels and S&D Vice-President Ismail Ertug
As the reality of COVID-19 sets in, it is time to start planning Europe’s recovery. The keyword in this recovery plan? Solidarity.
COVID-19: Truck driver reveals truth about how professional drivers are treated on Europe’s borders
A driver recounts how drivers are treated on the Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina border during Coronavirus, and we provide insight into the situation of drivers from Southeastern European countries.
COVID-19: Fishing industry welcomes EU support to overcome the socio-economic turmoil
Social partners welcome positive steps towards much-needed support to fishermen during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We call upon the Member States to fully implement these extraordinary measures to compensate and relieve operators and workers.
The Common Fisheries Policy requires a stronger social dimension
Social partners in fisheries – ETF and Europeche – issued a new resolution, calling for an introduction of social objectives in the CFP.
COVID-19: As issues persist in European transport, ETF calls for swift action
While some action has been taken by the European Commission to address the issues related to COVID-19, much more is required to ensure the safety and wellbeing of transport workers. ETF responds to this situation with a letter to Commissioner Vălean.
COVID-19: Take action to prevent collision!
ETF Air Traffic Management Committee released a new statement, detailing measures to be taken to ensure the provision of ATM services now and in the future.
COVID-19: Repatriation of fishermen is still a problem
A solution needs to be found for fishermen stranded abroad and travelling fishermen. ETF and Europeche addressed a letter to the European Commission, calling for new measures.
COVID-19: Recommendations for urgent measures in inland waterways transport
The socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on inland waterways transport (IWT) is vast and continues to grow. ETF issued recommendations, calling on the European Commission, competent national authorities, local bodies and authorities, and employers to take action.
COVID-19: “Women railway workers are torn between the importance of our job and our fear of spreading the virus to our families”, says Italian train guard
An Italian train guard (onboard personnel) sheds light on the situation of railway workers in Italy.
COVID-19: Transport workers have a right to protective equipment!
ETF prepared an overview of EU legislation that protects workers’ right to protective equipment in the workplace.