News January 29, 2020 ETF and UITP renew commitment to combat violence and insecurity on Urban Public Transport UITP and ETF renewed their Joint Recommendations on “Combating Violence and Insecurity on Urban Public Transport” and commit to their dissemination, awareness-raising through workshops and conferences, and monitoring their implementation at the level of national social partners across Europe. Feeling safe at your place of work or during your commute is a right, not a privilege!
Statement January 21, 2020 Mobility Package: ETF statement on today’s TRAN Committee vote The TRAN Committee of the European Parliament voted in favour of the trilogue result reached on 12 December. The Mobility Package is on its way to being adopted, the next steps are to be confirmed. In the meantime, ETF will continue to endeavour assiduously to close legal gaps, and offer our members and professional drivers across Europe real solutions.
News January 21, 2020 Workers’ rights in civil aviation: 2020 priorities Representatives of civil aviation workers from around Europe discuss the current issues workers are facing and how European trade union cooperation can help in addressing them.
News January 17, 2020 ETF joins maritime industry statement on the application of EU Visa Code to seafarers Obtaining a valid visa to go on shore, is an important aspect of seafarers’ wellbeing. Shore leave is a right for every seafarer and after spending many nights onboard it is paramount for maintaining good health. When ships are in ports, seafarers should, therefore, be able to easily leave the ship regardless of their nationality. Existing procedures within the EU however often impede on time granting of visas to seafarers. This has a major impact on their mental health and wellbeing. ETF, therefore, calls on EU Member States to ensure the implementation of the Code is adequately applied to seafarers.
Statement January 15, 2020 European minimum wage initiative – Consultation is underway! On 14 January, the European Commission launched First phase consultation of Social Partners on a possible action addressing the challenges related to fair minimum wages. While the ETF strongly believes that workers of Europe need a pay rise, we don’t support simplistic approaches and half-baked solutions that could endanger the autonomy of social partners around the continent. A simple prescriptive mechanism cannot solve wage stagnation – instead, we need to address the core causes of it, such as precarious work, anti-union measures, digitalisation, and austerity.
Worker's Story January 13, 2020 Dockers explain: Why is the Dockers’ Clause important? On 1 January 2020, the Dockers’ Clause came into effect, confirming that lashing is dockers’ work. To better understand the importance of this new clause and its consequences, we spoke to dockers around Europe. We asked them about their work, the current situation in their countries and what the new arrangement means for them.
Press Release January 9, 2020 Dockers’ Clause: A deal is a deal – and we are defending it! On 8 January, dockers, shop stewards, trade unions and legal advisors from ten different countries gathered in Rotterdam and pledged to take action to ensure that the new Dockers’ Clause is correctly implemented. The attendees of the gathering formed an international team of legal advisors to prepare for action against shipping companies that do not comply with the Dockers’ Clause.
Statement December 19, 2019 ETF response to the French decree on changing the working time of coach drivers On 17 December a decree has been signed by the French prime minister Édouard Philippe, temporarily changing the rules on the maximum allowed driving time of coach drivers. This move by the government comes amid the transport workers’ strike in France. The ETF believes that the temporary decree is aimed at undermining the workers’ actions. Additionally, the decree puts the safety of passengers in danger, since longer driving times increase the risk of accidents.
News December 19, 2019 ETF stands in solidarity with Belgian railway workers On behalf of the European Transport Workers’ Federation, representing more than 5 million transport workers, we want to express our solidarity with the railway employees of Belgium and their legitimate and justified strike.
Statement December 18, 2019 Through the eyes of transport workers: more needs to be done for the rights of migrants! The work of the ETF has always been about decent work, decent life, and justice. All of these themes are central to today’s International Migrants Day, the day that combines the aspirations of migrants – people searching for a decent life, decent work, and struggling for justice.
News December 18, 2019 Water transport sectors meet in Hamburg to discuss the impacts of automation & digitalisation On 11 and 12 December, workers and union representatives from the water transport sectors met in Hamburg for a workshop on automation and digitalisation. The workshop is part of the project ETF Automation & Digitalisation Toolkit, aimed at developing tools to empower workers during the processes of automation and digitalization (A&D).