
Statement July 5, 2019

Will the new European Parliament President deliver for transport workers?

This week the EU has chosen new leaders for its key institutions, but most of the candidates are not exactly progressive. One exception is David Sassoli, the Italian chosen to lead the European Parliament for the next 30 months. We sent him an open letter to remind him of his previous commitments to workers’ rights, and make clear how urgently working people in Europe need a new approach.

News July 5, 2019

It’s all on track for women in rail!

Social partners ETF and CER have given a green light for the start of negotiations on an autonomous agreement about women in rail. Meeting at the Rail Social Dialogue Steering Committee, the two organisations also discussed working conditions for mobile workers engaged in cross-border rail services.

Statement July 3, 2019

Saving a life is NOT a crime! We welcome the release of Captain Carola Rackete

An Italian judge has ordered the release of the captain of the Sea Watch 3, a migrant rescue ship who had been arrested for breaking an Italian naval blockade after saving the lives of 40 migrants in the Mediterranean. Her release is a victory for justice, but this humanitarian crisis cannot be tackled by NGOs or merchant ships alone. The EU and its Member States must work together to save lives and share the burden of dealing with this crisis.

News July 2, 2019

A trade union future for Europe

Belgian ETF affiliate hosts a seminar about the the future of trade unionism in Europe. Our Acting General Secretary was there to explain why international solidarity is the only way for transport workers to defend themselves in an interconnected world.

Press Release June 27, 2019

Modern challenges for the port sector revealed by EU Social Partners’ joint study

This study is the first-ever attempt to look at how the technological and business choices made by shipping companies impact the main service providers that ships depend on: terminals and their employees. It is now high-time for shipping lines to open discussions with the other actors of the maritime transport chain.

News June 26, 2019

Is disruption the route to better transport services?

Joining a debate at the European Liberal Forum, our Acting General Secretary argued that not all disruption in the transport sector brings a better service to users. What’s more, we cannot only think of people as consumers. If new models offload social costs of work onto the taxpayer, or force wages down to unsustainable levels, who really benefits?