
News November 19, 2019

World Toilet Day 2019: Toilet rights are a human right!

The lack of accessible sanitation facilities and sufficient break times is an issue that heavily affects transport workers in all sectors. That’s why today of all days especially, the ETF calls for safe, decent and sufficient toilets and other sanitation facilities for all transport workers in Europe.

News November 12, 2019

First CBA in the River Cruise Sector – smooth sailing ahead?

ETF welcomes the CBA and acknowledges it as a first step in the right direction. Further positive changes are on their way as on November 7, the official negotiations for a European-wide agreement between IG River Cruise, European Barge Union (EBU) and ETF commenced.  European Social Partners hope to reach a meaningful agreement by Autumn 2020.

News November 6, 2019

Landing obligation has led to increased workload for fishers

The EU Social Partners in Sea Fisheries ETF and Europêche adopted a joint resolution on the socio-economic impact of the EU landing obligation on the fishing industry. They agreed to call on the European Commission to revise the EU landing obligation so that it is consistent with other legal instruments adopted by the EU, in particular, Directive 2017/159 and the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.

News November 6, 2019

Celebrating 20 Years of Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee & looking forward

Railway social partners and the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) gathered with ETF for the annual plenary meeting of the Rail Sectoral Social Dialogue. Social partners negotiated their joint work programme for the next two years and agreed to focus on women’s employment and equal opportunities in the railway sector, ensuring railway safety in an open and competitive market, working and resting time rules, and employability in the light of digitalisation and automation.

News October 24, 2019

Thomas Cook collapse: workers need justice!

Thomas Cook may have collapsed in the UK, but it’s a European story. Companies, travel agencies, and hotels all over Europe and beyond have been affected, and around 22.000 workers are suffering from the consequences. The ETF stands in solidarity with all Thomas Cook workers and we continue to defend their interests together with our affiliates.

News October 23, 2019

Safety first! “Guards must be kept on board trains!”, declare ETF’s expert groups

The Locomotive Drivers’ Advisory Group and the On-Board Personnel Advisory Group, meeting in Brussels on 21-22 October, expressed their solidarity with French railway workers following an accident that occurred on October 16 between Mohon and Poix-Terron in Eastern France which involved a driver-only operation (DOO) train. DOOs are dangerous for both the train driver and the passengers: guards must be kept on board trains!