News September 24, 2019 The Mobility Package has a future! Bus, coach and truck drivers have hope! On 24 September, the TRAN Committee of the European Parliament gave green light to their newly appointed rapporteurs to start negotiations with the Council of Transport Ministers, on the Mobility Package.
News September 20, 2019 Transport workers for climate justice ETF joins the Global Action Week for Climate and calls for climate justice for transport workers!
News September 18, 2019 Upcoming EU transport portfolio needs to be social – open letter to President-elect Following the publication of the mission letter to the Commissioner-designate for transport the ETF is deeply concerned that the social issues are missing from the future EU transport portfolio.
Press Release September 17, 2019 New OECD-ITF Report: Subsidies in European shipping industry are failing European taxpayers and workers A new study released by the OECD and the International Transport Forum (ITF) on the current effect of direct and indirect maritime subsidies on the European shipping industry has found that the current system is failing European taxpayers and workers.
News September 12, 2019 New standards on competences and the corresponding knowledge and skills, on practical examinations, simulators and medical fitness Adoption and publication of the delegated directive incorporating concerning the standards on competences and the corresponding knowledge and skills, on practical examinations, on the approval of simulators and on medical fitness
Press Release September 12, 2019 European Transport Workers: The future Commissioner must deliver on #FAIRTRANSPORT On 10 September 2019 the President-elect of the European Commission announced that the Transport portfolio has been assigned to the Romanian nominee, Rovana Plumb.
News September 11, 2019 NO TO SALE LSG SKY CHEFS! The Lufthansa Group is preparing to sell its catering arm Lufthansa Sky Chefs (LSG). Our trade union demands are not to sell LSG Sky Chefs, preserve all jobs and keep all social standards.
News September 11, 2019 Toolbox for successful social dialogue in ATM As part of a project co-financed by the EU and under the leadership of the European Transport Workers’ Federation, civil aviation social partners created the brochure ‘Toolbox for Successful Social Dialogue in ATM’. This is the video about it.
News September 10, 2019 Baltic Week of Action with lashing in the spotlight On the eve of the entry into full effectiveness of the new IBF Dockers’ Clause our German affiliate ver.di is dedicating its Baltic Week of Action 2019 to lashing.
News September 5, 2019 Inland Navigation Europe (INE) publishes its report 2018 INE 2018 Report available with the position of waterway authorities on the future of the sector.
News September 4, 2019 Successful Social Dialogue in Air Traffic Management (ATM) More than 70 representatives of the EU social partners are attending a workshop in Roma to discuss the implementation of the Toolbox for successful social dialogue in ATM.
News August 26, 2019 ETF joins its affiliate UNITE the UNION in saying that professional drivers must not pick up the bill for a no-deal Brexit! The ETF is opposing any plan by the UK government to relax or remove the limits of the drivers hours rules set by Regulation 561/2006, as a result of Brexit.