News May 22, 2019 Global solidarity for port strikes in Italy Dockers everywhere deserve safe conditions, decent wages and a voice in automation! That’s exactly what Italian unions were bargaining for, but now national negotiations have broken down. Our Italian affiliates FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL and UILTRASPORTI have therefore decided to call a 24-hour national port strike.
Statement May 21, 2019 Enforcement of road transport rules must be a top priority for the EU after elections With European elections starting in two days, IRU and ETF – the EU social partners for road transport – call on the European Commission and Parliament to put enforcement at the top of the EU transport agenda for the next legislative term.
News May 21, 2019 Safeguard quality jobs in civil aviation! Italian government needs to show responsibility and listen to striking workers Our Italian affiliates FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL, UILTRASPORTI have called a 24-hour strike covering the entire country. We cannot accept that companies exist in a permanent state of crisis with disastrous effects on jobs and working conditions.
News May 20, 2019 Candidates in European elections support our vision for Fair Transport On 23-26 May 2019 EU citizens will decide which politicians will represent them and defend their interests at EU level. The ETF is firmly convinced of the need for a better and more social Europe, and we’ve been taking our Fair Transport manifesto to potential MEPs.
News May 17, 2019 ETF attends 19th Congress of the Trade Union of Hungarian Railway Workers in Budapest ETF’s Deputy General Secretary, Sabine Trier, addressed VSZ’s Congress with a message of solidarity and thanks for the union’s voice in Central and Eastern Europe. She also called on all union members to get out and vote for candidates who support workers in the upcoming EU elections.
News May 17, 2019 ETF stands proud for LGBT* rights Work is place where we have to feel safe and comfortable to be ourselves, but too many workers still face harassment for their sexuality or gender identity. LGBT* rights are workers’ rights, and that makes this a trade union issue. On the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT), we commit to step up and do more work on equality issues.
Statement May 15, 2019 Dear MEPs, will you help transport workers’ trade unions win fair contracts and conditions at Ryanair? ETF and ITF wrote to the candidates in the European Parliament elections to raise awareness of our campaign for better working conditions at Ryanair and to ask them to make a real difference to the lives of Ryanair workers during their mandate.
Statement May 15, 2019 ETF stands in solidarity with UK workers, their trade unions and all affected by Brexit No matter what happens with Brexit, the UK will remain a European country and UK transport workers will always be part of the ETF family. A hard or chaotic Brexit could spell disaster, so we call on leaders to reach a solution that protects citizens’ and workers’ rights. A statement from our Executive Committee sets out our priorities.
News May 15, 2019 Inland Waterways in Europe: Market Insight Report April 2019 The latest CCNR report gives updated figures about operating conditions and various kinds of freight. This edition has a special focus on Romania.
News May 15, 2019 Urban Public Transport Committee Elects New Chair Susanne Gällhagen of the Swedish union Kommunal is the new President. She is the first woman to chair the Urban Public Transport Committee.
News May 14, 2019 Ukrainian railway workers have our support as they rally in Kiev for safety, fair contracts and decent pay The TURTCWU is calling on the government to respect the collective agreements of the railways and take urgent action to maintain the Ukrainian railway system. Our Executive Committee has sent a strong message to the Ukrainian government, and we offer support to the TURTCWU in this dispute.
News May 14, 2019 Innovative Inland Navigation study report The final report of the study “Innovative Inland Navigation” from Edwin Verberght is available.