
News May 22, 2019

Global solidarity for port strikes in Italy

Dockers everywhere deserve safe conditions, decent wages and a voice in automation! That’s exactly what Italian unions were bargaining for, but now national negotiations have broken down. Our Italian affiliates FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL and UILTRASPORTI have therefore decided to call a 24-hour national port strike.

News May 20, 2019

Candidates in European elections support our vision for Fair Transport

On 23-26 May 2019 EU citizens will decide which politicians will represent them and defend their interests at EU level. The ETF is firmly convinced of the need for a better and more social Europe, and we’ve been taking our Fair Transport manifesto to potential MEPs.

News May 17, 2019

ETF stands proud for LGBT* rights

Work is place where we have to feel safe and comfortable to be ourselves, but too many workers still face harassment for their sexuality or gender identity. LGBT* rights are workers’ rights, and that makes this a trade union issue. On the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT), we commit to step up and do more work on equality issues.

Statement May 15, 2019

ETF stands in solidarity with UK workers, their trade unions and all affected by Brexit

No matter what happens with Brexit, the UK will remain a European country and UK transport workers will always be part of the ETF family. A hard or chaotic Brexit could spell disaster, so we call on leaders to reach a solution that protects citizens’ and workers’ rights. A statement from our Executive Committee sets out our priorities.