
News March 19, 2019

Fair Tugging Campaign

ETF affiliates in Belgium, Italy, Spain and UK are flying the flag in support of our Fair Tugging Campaign!

News March 13, 2019

Big victory at WizzAir

Wizz Air took measures against trade union activists and limited workers’ right to free assembly. The Supreme Court of Romania has ruled that the budget airline’s discrimination against workers based on their trade union membership was illegal.

News March 8, 2019

Can Macron’s grand offer to Europe really hold back the populist wave?

As the EU stumbles and voters look to populist forces, French President Macron has presented an ambitious vision for Europe. However, he does not give enough focus to the social crisis at the root of citizen’s discontent. Now workers are taking the lead, building international solidarity for a positive vision of Europe. The ETF with its Fair Transport campaign is at the forefront of this new approach.

Press Release March 1, 2019

European Commission adopts social agenda for aircrews, but it is late and incomplete

The European Commission has adopted its report on social standards in aviation. The non-binding proposals, will set the tone for EU work on aircrews. We’ve worked hard for more than one year to feed the Commission with ideas and thoughts that defend workers, and today we are concerned by the Commission’s lack of ambition.

News March 1, 2019

Members of European Parliament hear our vision for a Fair Transport in Europe

Our meetings with European political groups continue. On 26 and 28 February ETF spoke with leaders of the European Peoples Party (EPP) and the Greens/EFA. EU elections are just around the corner, and politicians were interested to hear our proposals to end social dumping in the transport sector and our social approach to automation and digitalisation.