News February 27, 2019 It’s time to take Fair Transport Europe to the next level! In just one month, thousands of workers will be converge on Brussels for a huge demo to mark the high point of our Fair Transport Europe campaign against social dumping. We will march through the city and raise our voice to demand that politicians and employers put an end to exploitation and unfair competition!
News February 25, 2019 Safer skies and fair employment: ETF Aviation hosts EASA seminar in Poland We’re training aviation unions to bring their expertise and interests to the European Aviation Safety Agency. We also joined a successful protest demanind stable contracts for cabin crew at LOT Polish Airlines.
News February 18, 2019 ETF unions in Hungary plan to put European solidarity into action Our General Secretary visited Budapest to hear in person about the problems facing transport workers in the country. Our affiliates also discussed the next steps for the Fair Transport Europe campaign and our training programme for union activists in Central and Eastern Europe.
Statement February 15, 2019 Transport workers left behind once again, as EU pushes ahead with European Labour Authority New institution will oversee correct application of some EU labour laws. But politicians have decided to limit its scope, leaving transport workers without strong protection.
Press Release February 14, 2019 European Parliament gives green light to foolish liberalisation of bus and coach market Vulnerable communities face the loss of vital services. Drivers have to reckon with a further “Flixbusification” of their work: low pay, dreadful conditions and unstable employment.
News February 12, 2019 European Parliament votes this week to liberalise the bus and coach sector in Europe Just 3 month before the EU elections, MEPs are about to give the green light to a destructive reform that could ruin quality jobs and leave vulnerable communities without vital services.
Statement February 12, 2019 Workers deserve more than crumbs! ETF staff join Belgian national strike for fair pay and pensions Our secretariat is based in Brussels, and tomorrow our workers will join Belgian unions in their call for a decent distribution of wealth.
News February 7, 2019 Trade unions and employers debate challenges in urban public transport in Poland and the Baltics Workshop in Warsaw gathers participants from four countries and the European Commission for discussions about the future of public transport in the region and the role of collective bargaining.
News February 7, 2019 ETF leadership visits Poland to meet affiliate unions and discuss the future of trade unions Solidarity between the ETF and our affiliates is the root of our power. All our Polish affiliates have pledged to stand together in the struggle for Fair Transport, while the ETF plans a capacity building project in the country.
News February 5, 2019 Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Directive: ETF strongly opposes exclusion of seafarers and fishers Seafarers and fishermen are often denied basic rights granted to onshore workers. Now they could once again pay a heavy price. EU member states are about to finalise new rules that would exclude seagoing workers from the right to basic information about their own working conditions. How can they justify that?
News January 31, 2019 ETF visits Polish railway trade unions to discuss social dumping cases in the region Railway workers in Poland face difficulties caused by liberalisation, excessive workload and dangerous conditions. We pledged to stand together for Fair Transport!
News January 28, 2019 Trade unions met in Vienna to discuss union strategies in the road transport sector Trade union representatives from Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, and Belgium met for a workshop on 23-24 January 2019 in Vienna. During the event, Evelyn Regner’s sponsorship of the ETF Fair Transport Europe campaign was announced.