Press Release July 11, 2018 European industry, NGOs and UN agencies call for a socially, environmentally and commercially sustainable fisheries
News July 9, 2018 ETF dockers call for joined-up thinking from port authorities Even in a context of increasing automation, we are determined to protect port employment and working conditions.
Press Release July 4, 2018 A line in the sand for transport liberalisation: European Parliament rejects harsh proposals on pay and rest time for drivers The European Transport Workers’ Federation has scored a major victory in the long-running saga of the EU Mobility Package.
Statement July 3, 2018 Sustainable transport and fair competition: Railway employers and trade unions back road workers in call for decent EU Mobility Package
News June 29, 2018 Social dumping in road transport damages all European workers – Romanian union ATU calls for a fair EU Mobility Package
News June 28, 2018 Fair Fishing for Europe: Trade Unions launch debate on a more social EU fisheries policy ETF and EFFAT hosted a joint seminar about the future of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Workers, trade union activists, policymakers and experts joined the two-day event.
News June 26, 2018 European social partners eager to make shipping more attractive for women seafarers
News June 25, 2018 ETF marks Day of the Seafarer 2018 by launching working group on seafarers’ wellbeing
Statement June 21, 2018 Solidarity with tug workers on the Panama Canal At its first meeting the ETF Tug Steering Committee sent a solidarity message to workers on the Panama Canal.