
Press Release July 12, 2023

ETF points out contradictions in EC’s Greening Transport Package

The advances that could come from the Greening Transport Package, presented by the European Commission, are shadowed by a striking incoherence that the ETF must point out. The facilitation of cross-border operations of “gigaliners”, the 44-tonne longer and heavier vehicles with European Modular Systems running on fossil fuels, will be an obstacle to reach a clean and just transition to a carbon-neutral freight industry.

News July 10, 2023

Greening Europe’s aviation sector must lead to good jobs

Aviation trade unions representing manufacturing and transport workers discussed about realities of the green and digital transitions for the workforce during an aviation workshop, as part of the joint ETT-IndustriAll JT4MOBILITY project. Participants in the workshop taking place in Charleroi – an important European hub for aviation – tried to identify possible recommendations and tools to ensure that the transitions are socially responsible.

Press Release July 6, 2023

ITF brings the voice of workers to Global Aviation Gender Summit 2023

Representatives ITF and ETF are attending this week’s ICAO Global Aviation Gender Summit 2023 in Madrid, Spain, to ensure the voices of women aviation workers from around the world are heard loud and clear and to press for changes that address the systemic challenges that have plagued the industry since its formation.

News July 5, 2023

For a safe revision of the European Train Drivers’ Directive

A good revision of the European Train Drivers’ Directive (TDD) must ensure safety and good working conditions first. It is what rail workers across Europe asked at a TDD debate hosted in the European Parliament. ETF has been following the TDD revision from the very start and is committed to achieving a safe and sustainable rail that provides high-quality jobs.

News July 5, 2023

The path to green transport: reviving rail freight across Europe

The rise of green transport starts with the end of social and environmental dumping in the transport sector. At the ETF, we advocate for a comprehensive re-evaluation of transport policies, with particular attention to reviving rail freight services across Europe.

Press Release July 4, 2023

Sea Fisheries Social Partners Joint resolution on decarbonisation in fisheries

European social partners in the fisheries sector – ETF, Cogeca and Europêche – support measures to continue reducing the carbon footprint of the fishing sector. Being engaged in the partnership for the energy transition in fisheries launched by the European Commission, the Social Partners are committed to giving their contribution to the process together with the policymakers and relevant stakeholders.

Press Release June 30, 2023

For fair and adequate EU measures in the Mediterranean fisheries sector

At the conference “What future for fishers in the Mediterranean?”, the ETF and its affiliates asked the European Commission to adopt balanced measures equally supporting the three dimensions of the EU Common Fishery Policy: environmental, social, and economic.

News June 29, 2023

United for the Day Against Driver Fatigue in Europe

On 21 June, the ETF launched the very first Day Against Driver Fatigue in Europe. The ETF and its affiliates took action across Europe to draw attention to the critical problem of driver fatigue in road transport.
21 June was the longest day of the year – but for professional drivers, every day is the longest!

News June 25, 2023

Happy International Day of the Seafarer 2023!

Seafarers have a unique role and active contribution to protecting the marine environment. Happy Seafarers’ Day with clean oceans for a sustainable future for all humankind!

News June 22, 2023

ETF stand united with its French railway unions in Lille

An ETF delegation joined its French affiliates CGT-Cheminots, CFDT- Cheminots and UNSA-Ferroviaire in Lille on Thursday, 22 June 2023, in a protest against expanding privatisation of rail in France. ETF continues to work hard to defend railways and its workers to ensure that rail transport is a public service fit for a fair and sustainable Europe.